Thursday, February 6, 2014

01/30/2014 The House of Israel and Our Birthright

Weekly Training
The House of Israel and our Birthright

This week’s weekly training had Brad Wilcox as a guest speaker. He gave an AWESOME presentation, and you need to watch it.
For those of you who were unable to attend the meeting, you will need to arrange a time to come in and watch the training. It lasts about 75 minutes and can be viewed either by DVD on your personal computer at the MTC, or on an open computer in 18M-138 on one of the MTC computer Drives.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

01/23/2014 The Purpose - THE BIG PICTURE

Weekly Training
23 January 2014
THE BIG PICTURE of the Missionary Purpose

Read Preach My Gospel pages 5-6 “The Gospel of Jesus Christ”
·         How does the Gospel of Jesus Christ define the “What”?—Message
·         How does the Gospel of Jesus Christ define the “Why”?—Purpose
·         What does the Message look like in a lesson?—For Missionary and Investigator
·         What does the Purpose look like in a lesson?—For Missionary and Investigator
·         What are the Prerequisites/Outcomes to fulfilling your purpose?

Study Activity #2
                Watch 10-15 Minutes of any of the Bible video’s (found on
·         What does it mean to be purpose centered?
·         What does it mean to fulfill your purpose?
·         Whose Purpose is it?
·         To what lengths did God go to ensure he maintained his purpose?

1.       Teach The Doctrine of Christ
2.       Coach a missionary in a purpose centered manner.
A. Missionary is teaching lessons, not people
B. Missionary is stuck on getting investigators to do things
C. Missionaries have questions about how to teach a specific doctrine
D. Missionary is struggling to have an effective personal study

1.       Page 6 of Preach My Gospel quote- What added knowledge did you have about the Doctrine of Christ as you taught?
2.       Evidence the purpose is fulfilled?- Use Page 6

·         Make the Missionary Purpose YOUR PURPOSE
·         Page 11 of Preach my Gospel Remember this-

Pick one bullet point you are not living in your life. Study it. Set goals and make plans to have it become a part of you.

01/16/2014 Character Of Christ

Weekly Training
16 January 2014
The Character of Christ

Here is the Link to The Character of Christ by David A. Bednar:

You must read this devotional and complete the assignment below for your attendance to training this next week.  You can mark off that you watched it the following week in training meeting.  Remember that training will resume as normal on Jan. 23.

Please write a 3-5 paragraph summary of what you learned from the devotional to send to me by Tuesday Jan. 21

Consider the following questions as you watch the devotional and organize your summary:

·         What is the relationship between Christ’s character and his Doctrine? (the Doctrine of Christ)
·         What can I do to ensure that my faith is centered on the Savior’s character and atonement?
·         Why does increasing my understanding of the Character of Christ help to reduce the disparity between what I know and what I do?
·         What was the main point the Holy Ghost taught you?
·         What does Elder Bednar understand that allows him to teach with spiritual power?
·         Your missionaries have the opportunity to see this each Sunday.  How will you prepare them for this? How will use follow up and use this in class after they have seen it?

What can and should I do in my life to turn away from selfishness and toward Christ-like compassion, service, desires and intent? – Set a goal to change your character to be more like HIS.

Good luck!  Have fun!  Let me know if you have any questions!

-Lisanne Murphy