Thursday, February 26, 2015

2/26/15 Pamphlets Revisited

Weekly Training
Pamphlets Revisited

- email me 2 ways you have used the pamphlets since our last training on pamphlets
- email me 2 ways you want to use pamphlets in the future
- practice using the pamphlets while being a HELPER with your zone coordinator

- English Training Coordinator position open - apply if you are interested
- VC Help this week
- Flipped classrooms are now in Zones 3,5,31.  Zones 26,42 to come next week
- Frisbee Saturday, but not official activity....we are moving the zone vs. zone to another time
- Opportunity: If you are interested in Blended Learning and participating in some pilots email Lisanne
- Opportunity: If you are interested in being a leader in a new English area - email Lisanne

- Review what you learned about covenants this week from your sabbath observance or teaching Rev. through Church

- Record on the board what you have tried with the pamphlets so far
- record how much progress you have made with the pamphlets since we trained on it a couple weeks ago.

Study Activity:
- Read through the pamphlets again to become more acquainted with them
- go through the blue book and note where you can use the pamphlets to help as a reminder.
     -be specific! don't just put "pamphlet" next to something.  define the pamphlet, page, paragraph

Practice Activity:
- Using Teach People Not Lessons first practice, use the pamphlets to teach Alydia.  make sure the pamphlets and the spirit are doing the teaching.  And you as the missionary are doing the HELPING!

- don't just use the pamphlet more, use them more effectively.

Thank you everyone!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19, 2015- Covenants->Thinking Forward

Weekly Training Meeting 
February 19, 2015

To Complete Assignment:  Email Lisanne how your understanding of the directionality of covenants has changed for your personal understanding and one way you will implements what you have learned in the classroom in Revelation Through Church attendance

  • VC Sisters will be here next week!!! Read the email that was sent out to come come help!
  • In the summer we will be getting a new English Area- Zone 42 will be leaving.. we also need a few teachers from our area to go. Is there anyone who would like to/be interested in transferring to the new area?
  • Flipped classrooms are only starting when Lisanne says to! You’ll know when this happens. 
  • Email/text Lisanne if you would want to work evening shift in Spring/Summer
  • IF you are leaving before April 28 make sure you have your classroom taken care of
  • Area Ultimate Frisbee- February 28th at 11:00am.. Look for an email!!

Accountability: pamphlet usage and flipped classroom thoughts and ideas

Lisanne’s confession: I’m good at what is in front of me at the time.. when it’s gone I don’t think of if any more. When we focus on prayer my prayers are awesome.. but when we don’t focus on it then things slide back to normal.

How can we expand our grasp?

Is it a problem or not?

Habit forming and faith promoting- Faith is NOT Habit
we do things to build habits but it doesn’t build our faith… that doesn’t mean that they aren’t faith promoting
Are your habits faith promoting?
We can’t trick ourselves into thinking our habits are building our faith if they are only habits.

  • We need to have a purpose when doing these things. How/why was it easier on the mission. Because we had a purpose. What is your purpose now? Don’t lose sight of it.
  • Have I come closer to Christ each day by the way I am living?

Activity Focus: Covenants- in helping us creating faith promoting habits

Try to understand the directionality of faith gaining covenants

directionality- covenants that help our past, our present, our future

Use a piece of paper to write/draw/organize the directionality of our covenants

  • pg. 63-65 PMG
  • D&C 20:77, 79
  • Mosiah 4:6-7
  • Words used in confirmation
  • Redeeming vs. Enabling power of atonement
  • The Missionary Purpose

What is the directionality of covenants?

Why is directionality important?
What direction does God view our covenants?

What are you learning?

  • Our covenants change out past… our future is determined by our covenanted past. Not the past we necessarily remember.
  • This activity helped visualize how this is one eternal round. The covenants that we make not help us to move forward… in a spiral upwards.
  • It’s a circle
  • God, us and covenants are like merging plates.. it’s where the magic happens
  • 2 Nephi 31- covenants give us something to work towards, something to stretch to, it also helps us to see the growth in our own progression
  • Think about covenants as people.. what effect do my covenants have on others
  • The water cycle… the sun makes it possible. It’s not just a cycle it’s a refinement process. The water here has never left, only been refined and renewed. Covenants are seen as a cycle but we are becoming cleaner and cleaner as we go. 

In your blue book go to pg 34- Rev Through Church Attendance
Watch German reflecting on his experience at church 

Practice: How would you respond to help German think forward. Practice. 

Wherefore what?
  • I need to go study my family history.. 
  • without covenants we couldn’t access the atonement then the future and the past would all be the same- covenants give us a future different than our past
  • Be more engaged
  • It’s not just about renewing our baptism.. it’s about being WILLING 

Follow what the Holy Ghost is telling you about your covenants

Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12, 2015- Revelation Through Prayer Through The Lens of a Flipped Classroom

Weekly Training Meeting
February 12, 2015

To Complete Assignment: Send Lisanne a lesson plan of revelation through prayer with an hour of practices after going through the activities in the training. 

  • Be sure that your work scheduler is accurate, especially with prep time! If you have signed up for 30 minutes then you need to be ON TIME.
  • Monday is Presidents Day! For BYU Students Tuesday is Monday
  • VC needs some help- ANYONE who wants to come help can look at the google doc sign up sent out in an email… look for it! 

Define or Give an Example of:
Everything Possible

  • Before expected
  • as soon as someone is aware
  • infancy
  • soon
  • Right after onset 
  • In the beginning
  • Morning
  • Day break
  • Towards the beginning
  • Temprano
  • Pronto
  • Before late and on time
  • Chronologically 
  • Occurring at a time
  • Frequently
  • A lot 
  • Repetitively
  • Many times
  • Ususally
  • More than average
  • M
  • Common
  • Regularly
  • 4-5 times a week
  • Naturally
  • Majority
  • Might
Everything Possible:
  • Strength
  • Use all resources 
  • Consider all routes
  • No limits
  • Faith, Confidence, Hope
  • Consistent, near perfect performance
  • The full capability of someone in their situation (and then add God)

Look Here:
Blue Book- Revelation Through Prayer- objective and explain portion
Look at the words that everyone wrote in the context of this fundamental

  • Early- we invite others early so that they can start building that relationship with god
  • as soon as someone is aware
  • before the need arrives- then they have the resource to use because it’s already been taught
  • naturally- something becomes natural when you do it often, prayer done often becomes natural
  • if we are doing things early and often then prayer should be done soon within a lesson
  • it prepares them to keep the commandments
  • what can missionaries do when they aren’t with the investigator to constantly remind them
  • why do we want it to be early, so that it becomes habitual

Have you heard of a flipped classroom?

Majority of the studying will be done outside of the class, inside of class is the application

With new online and iPad things the MTC is really wanting to try a flipped classroom approach
Zone 5 has already been doing it for about a month
It will SOON begin to be done area wide
New Schedules will be coming out to each zone
Day shift are practice shifts and night shift is study shift

Zone 5 what do you think so far?
  • we are surprised at how much the missionaries understand about the fundamental before they apply it
  • There is usually something they didn’t get from their studies that you need to adjust for, so we many have to start out with a very simple practice and then see where they’re at
  • If they need to know it for the next day, they retain the information better
  • practices need to be seen as learning/revelation experiences 

Learning Pyramid - we are trying to take higher retention rate things and have those be a time when the teacher is there

Engage->Study->Gauge Understanding->Practice->Follow up
first two- night, second two- day

we expect the missionaries to practice between 60-70 minutes

Read through every word on the 4 pages in the fundamental
  • Highlight items that stick out to you differently
  • Mark every activity you haven’t done
  • Mark every video that you don’t know immediately what it is
Consider and Create: How can we use these pages to create epic studies and practices for the missionaries 
Object: Understand how to create effective studies and practices for a flipped classroom

This will begin within the next few weeks. Look out for an email and more information about when your zone will start.

Keep thinking in flipped classroom mode!

Is there anything you can tell right now that you need in terms of training?
  • when there are bigger districts it’s harder to manage everyone.. with and without a resource. 
  • How can we structure practices that build on each other
  • Setting up effective practices
  • Engaging and Gauging
  • If you are helping studies, how do you help that move towards practices
  • How can 1 resource help multiple districts in all of their study time
  • How does a teacher prep a class for a flipped classroom
  • Training on how to help older missionaries do things on their own
    How do we make practices a learning activity

If you have any more questions, email, text, call Lissy as soon as they come up!

This is a learning experience for ALL of us!! Help out with your questions.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 5, 2015- Pamphlets to the MAX!!

Weekly Training Meeting
February 5, 2015

To Complete: Read through ALL of the pamphlets. Think of 5 new/creative ways to use the pamphlets then practice 2 of them with your ZC. Send Lisanne an email about your experience. 

You can shake hands again! But keep hands clean!
Hosts aren’t taking missionaries all the way to classrooms, if there is something free in the zone then please go down and see if there are any missionaries that are lost in 18M then direct them to their classrooms
Look out for the email about west campus mock classrooms and events coming up

Pamphlets!!! Take care of this pack of pamphlets.. they are your very own to treasure and use to do practices/demos.

Class Thoughts:
How do we use pamphlet now? As teachers? As missionaries? Past and Present. 
  • Hair protection
  • Pictures
  • I Don’t :(
  • Glossary
  • Back side for return dates
  • Questions in back 
  • As review or prep
  • Missionary-pass along cards
  • Warn them about what church would be like
  • Missionaries 1st demo
  • When I don’t know how to explain something
  • Reminder of commitments
  • Baptism date
  • Pass along cards
  • What pamphlets?
  • To prep for practices and in demos
  • Used to help simplify complicated mormon lingo
  • For prayer teaching
  • As a missionary… I didn’t
  • OCM loved using pamphlets!
  • Draw parallels
  • Teach with pictures
  • used definitions while teaching
  • Invite inv. to read before coming back
  • Have my missionaries study out of them to prepare to teach atonement and other principles
  • Teacher people to pray
  • In study occasionally
  • Lessons in Chapter 3

Class 2
  • Scripture study section
  • Remind investigator of invitation
  • USe them to teach doctrine
  • Have investigators/missionaries look for the Atonement in every principle
  • I don’t, but I want to 
  • To level our kitchen table
  • Using the Pictures as teaching tool
  • As a visual
  • For something the investigator can keen and study from
  • Pray to know, how to pray box
  • Church attendance (what to expect)
  • Pamphlet tower
  • Collect all 6!
  • “Homework” of sorts for investigators 
  • Additional Study
  • Way of leaving contact info/invitation to learn more
  • Placed in picture frame
  • Use them to teach doctrine
  • As a missionary… we used them a LOT it was our main source of teaching towards the end for our whole mission
  • used the pictures as a way to diagnose 
  • use pictures to help them make connections
  • used to explain 
  • used to define words
  • When I remember- use to teach doctrine, how to pray, church attendance
  • Left them behind as a commitment
  • In demonstrations
  • Tool for contacting
  • Read before we come
  • Teach to pray 
  • Talk about church
  • Definition lists to help know how to explain
  • To practice asking questions
  • No doctrine in their own words just pamphlet and questions

Think of anything and everything you could use these pamphlets for.. take 25 minutes read through the pamphlets and write ANY creative way that you can use pamphlets in the classroom to get us to awesome.

List 1:
  • Use it as a ‘pacing’ tool to help missionaries understand how to ‘get through the whole lesson in one visit’
  • Use in demoing a principle so they focus on what you want them to focus on and not “oh my gosh I’m gonna use that scripture every day”
  • Use the pamphlets to teach investigators/missionaries how to study, read, look up key words, look up supporting scriptures, write thoughts about topic
  • Establish expectation that missionaries use them in PI
  • Help missionaries to get the central message (simplicity and power)
  • Largest amount- bolded section with paragraph
  • Medium Amount- Use little boxes as an overview of principles and also as a way to check understanding…
  • Smallest Amount- Bold message at the bottom
  • Teach the scriptural stories and parables shown in the pictures
  • Quicker study tool for helping missionaries to understand what the lessons are
  • Good for practicing a lot when you need a quick study in between
  • Doctrinal study: use pamphlet and find scripture to support every statement of doctrine in the pamphlet
  • Use book of pamphlet to guide PST
  • Use as resources like scriptures: be super familiar with content so the spirit can direct the use
  • Think of questions to ask about each paragraph or section 
  • Use additional study in lessons in Chap 3: show a NY times video and have missionaries think and study: How would so and so feel if they understood these doctrines. 
  • Use the questions and scriptures in the back to teach the principles while focusing on the pictures
  • Look for promised blessings in Commandments to teach WILWFU
  • Help the missionaries teach simply then expound with the scriptures 
  • Help missionaries focus on the why and not the what 
  • Invite investigators to do the additional study in the back and then follow up with them (helps them to learn how to study)
  • Tool not crutch
  • Talk about baptism early
  • Read first few pages with district, kind of like a BOM read.. asking for thoughts and sharing insights as well as helping them effectively gather important info for lesson (i.e. making a lesson outline)
  • Elder Bott/Helpworth in the District 2 did BOM read esque lessons but with the pamphlet all the time. Created much more of a role of the HG in C environment
  • Pamphlet to teach/learn the doctrinal information, missionaries time can help them apply it
  • Quicker study tool for helping missionaries to understand what the lessons are
  • Good for practicing a lot when you need a quick study in between
  • Have everyone present in the lesson take 10 minutes to study a principle and have everyone teach with missionaries guiding
  • Church Prep
  • Use the headings and front pictures of the 1st 3 lesson pamphlets to give missionaries/investigators a view of what our main message is
  • Leave the next lessons pamphlets as an invitation in preparation for next lesson
  • For TPNL- Have them take all pamphlets into a lesson and then find needs and pick a pamphlet to teach from
  • Use pamphlets to help missionaries HELP. Let the pamphlet and spirit do the teaching
  • Use the additional study questions and scripts to set up BOM reads and give demo of how BOM can help answer questions
  • Help them see the importance of Rev through Prayer, scriptures and church by showing it’s in every pamphlet

List 2:
  • Word Search
  • Teach with yellow boxes
  • Member visit questionnaire
  • Cut out pictures, insert them in scriptures next to passage about it
  • Give a member a page to teach from during lesson
  • For an entire shift, the only resource is the pamphlet. For studying, teaching, everything
  • Use the church section as not the best example of “why” church
  • Have missionaries create their own footnotes (referencing the other pamphlets)
  • Have investigator study it before the lesson
  • have them prepare to teach a principle to the missionaries
  • have them read through and write down questions or comments about each section
  • have them pick a defined word from the back and underline it every time they see it in the pamphlet
  • One sentence to condense each page, one sentence only
  • Leave page with investigator, have them teach you next visit
  • The missionaries use those instead of their notebook
  • make the lesson plan in the margins of the pamphlet
  • Have the missionaries write their own pamphlets based on their own understanding then, have them compare with actual pamphlets
  • Have the investigator try to put the pictures in order? (kids?)
  • Invite the missionaries to teach the DoC through the commandment pamphlets
  • As part of planning, have missionaries go through pamphlets and make notations to personalize pamphlet info to needs (Inv.) and leave it with them to study on their own
  • Use the list of terms in PI and in teaching lessons to help the missionaries and investigator understand complex terms
  • Help them ponder the pictures more
  • imagine themselves in the pictures
  • who would they be
  • Use only text boxes and headings to teach
  • Cut up the pictures and turn them into a puzzle
  • Use the blank space on the sacrament page for investigators to take notes in church or write questions
  • Use the questions in additional study while you teach as inspired questions
  • Teach the restoration from he pamphlet, but leave the gospel of Christ for them to study
  • Teach WOW using Restoration Pamphlet or Chastity with PoS.. vise versa… 
  • Cover pamphlet titles. Discuss and teach and ask questions just going off the covers

Why do we use the pamphlets? Why are they being pushed so hard right now?
Missionaries teaching right now is not on point. The brethren want to help, but have noticed that what they need is already out there, the pamphlets!! 

When missionaries use pamphlets more they talk less… leaving the investigator and the spirit to talk more.

The pamphlets allow us to focus on helping people. The missionaries don’t get caught up in the teaching, they have the pamphlet to help with that and they are they to do what they are supposed to, help the investigator. 

What are we taking away from this? 

Use some of the new/creative methods we discovered in your teaching this week (and weeks to come!)