Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6/11/13 Doctrine of Preparation

  • Introduction: We need to discuss what will help bring consistency and fluency to the Holiness and Receiving the Holy Ghost in our lives.
  • Watch: "Ray Allen Preparation" on YouTube
    • Ponder and write down responses to these questions:
      • What are the principles of preparation?
      • What role does preparation play for master teachers? Seasoned Teachers? New Teachers?
      • What role will preparation play in your future?
  •  Study:
    • Alma 34:32-34
    • Moses 2 (temple session)
    • Alma 49 
      • What is your current state of light and darkness?
      • What role does preparation play in God's life? 
      • What are the principles of preparation?
      • What defines preparation as a doctrine? 
  • Practice: 
    • Preparation before a shift
      • discuss and write down - What principles create a planning session of power
      • Take 15 min and Prepare! for your next shift 
        • if you are not ready for the kind of person to have the prep needed, consider what needs to change
      • take time to evaluate the difference
    • Preparation for a new district
      • discuss and write down what principles would guide preparing for an upcoming district
      • take 15 min at least to prepare for that district
      • take time to evaluate the difference of the experience 
    • Preparation for your life (consider your mission, sabbath, daily planning, career, etc)
      •  discuss and write down what insights you have gained about preparation you want to apply into your life
      • take time to prepare for you life! 
      • Evaluate what you are learning from this experience 
  • Conclusion: Read and consider the implications of 1 Corinthians 2:9
  • Invitation: Live the Doctrine of Preparation!

5/21/13 People and Purpose Workshop

  • Your assignment is to attend the "People and Purpose" workshop that on occurs on Thursdays for the new missionaries.
    • Sessions occur at 8:15am, 10:00am, and 2:45pm in 11M-3rd floor.  The English staff teaches at 10am and 2:45pm in 11M-316,though you can take a peak at all the trainers and see another one if you would like.
  • Answer the following questions as you attend:
    • What did you learn about the purpose of the MTC?
    • What did you learn about the purpose of missionary work?
    • How can you help prepare your missionaries for this activity or build off of this activity depending on your first Thursday block?
    • How do you need to change as a result of what you learned?
  • INVITATION: Implement your thoughts and ideas.  Discuss your findings and things you will change in zone meeting and comp meeting. 

  • In the event that none of those times work for your schedule you need to let me know and here are your options for weekly training:
  • Attend the first Wednesday activities for missionaries on Wednesday evening. I believe the start at 6pm.  Check the missionaries yellow sheets for the first day for location.  They happen in 1M or 11M (check)
  • Attend In-Field Orientation on Friday in 1M
  • Attend the first Thursday night with the Branch President to see how they prepare the missionaries.  This is held in individual branch areas.
  • Apply the same questions but guided to the activity you have seen.

6/4/13 Receiving the Holy Ghost

  • Introduction: Consider that to Become a Holy Man or Holy Women you must Receive the Holy Ghost. 
    • Ponder this quote from Elder Wirthlins, "The Unspeakable Gift" 
      • "President Gordon B. Hinckley taught, “How great a blessing it is to have the ministering influence of a member of the Godhead.” 11 Think of what this means, the ability and the right to receive the ministrations of a member of the Godhead, to commune with infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, and infinite power!
        As with all gifts, this gift must be received and accepted to be enjoyed. When priesthood hands were laid upon your head to confirm you a member of the Church, you heard the words, “Receive the Holy Ghost.” This did not mean that the Holy Ghost unconditionally became your constant companion. Scriptures warn us that the Spirit of the Lord will “not always strive with man.” 12 When we are confirmed, we are given the right to the companionship of the Holy Ghost, but it is a right that we must continue to earn through obedience and worthiness. We cannot take this gift for granted."
        •  Read: "Receive the Holy Ghost" by Elder Bednar 
        • Consider, Ponder, write you responses on these questions:
          • Consider what this has to do with your Holy Man/Holy Women experiment
          • What does it mean to keep the commandment in your life to "receive the Holy Ghost?"
          • consider what is keeping you from receiving the Holy Ghost
          • Receive from the Holy Ghost an "inspired question" that you need in your life at this time. 
        • Invitation: Identify what doctrine you must understand and adopt into your life to receive the Holy Ghost 
          • Add this to your holy man/ holy women experiment

5/28/13 Holy Man/ Holy Women Experiment

  • Introduction: Study the Definition of "Holiness" in the BD.
    • Discuss or write down what it means to be a Holy Man/ Holy Woman. 
  • Using the Plan, Study, Teach Cycle:
    • Plan: Create a vision for yourself of what your life would look like and feel like as a Holy Man/Holy Woman.  What does God see for you?
    • Personal Study: What doctrines do you need to understand with your heart to become this person? Study these doctrines.
    • Companionship Study: Create a plan for how you will become a Holy Man/ Holy Women.  Consider something doable.  15 min a day? 
  •  Invitation: Be a Holy Man or Holy Women for at least 15 min a day. 

5/14/13 Administer vs. Minister

  • Consider When The last time was that you were ministered to.
    • Write down you experience
  •  Study: What Principles does a minister possess? What principles does a Master Teacher possess? 
    • Study from BD: Ministry
    • Study from TG: Jesus Christ, Ministry of; Ministry
    • Consider Treasure Word, Treat Learners as Agents 
  •  Practice: Pick someone in your life were you can practice your ministering principles you have discovered. could be someone in your home, your Home Teachee, or Visiting Teachee, whoever you would like.
    • Evaluation Questions: What principles were felt by the one ministered to?  Discuss the Purpose Diagram and how each relationship plays a part in ministering? 
  •  Invitation: What Principles do I need to gain to become a minister? and Master Teacher?
    • Make goals and set plans to to attain those principles.