Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6/4/13 Receiving the Holy Ghost

  • Introduction: Consider that to Become a Holy Man or Holy Women you must Receive the Holy Ghost. 
    • Ponder this quote from Elder Wirthlins, "The Unspeakable Gift" 
      • "President Gordon B. Hinckley taught, “How great a blessing it is to have the ministering influence of a member of the Godhead.” 11 Think of what this means, the ability and the right to receive the ministrations of a member of the Godhead, to commune with infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, and infinite power!
        As with all gifts, this gift must be received and accepted to be enjoyed. When priesthood hands were laid upon your head to confirm you a member of the Church, you heard the words, “Receive the Holy Ghost.” This did not mean that the Holy Ghost unconditionally became your constant companion. Scriptures warn us that the Spirit of the Lord will “not always strive with man.” 12 When we are confirmed, we are given the right to the companionship of the Holy Ghost, but it is a right that we must continue to earn through obedience and worthiness. We cannot take this gift for granted."
        •  Read: "Receive the Holy Ghost" by Elder Bednar 
        • Consider, Ponder, write you responses on these questions:
          • Consider what this has to do with your Holy Man/Holy Women experiment
          • What does it mean to keep the commandment in your life to "receive the Holy Ghost?"
          • consider what is keeping you from receiving the Holy Ghost
          • Receive from the Holy Ghost an "inspired question" that you need in your life at this time. 
        • Invitation: Identify what doctrine you must understand and adopt into your life to receive the Holy Ghost 
          • Add this to your holy man/ holy women experiment

1 comment:

  1. Many things impacted me from this training. One powerful statement that has stuck with me was, "Thus, everything the Savior's gospel teaches us to do an become is intended to bless us with the companionship of the Holy Ghost."


    All of the "righteous practices" like praying, reading scriptures, attending church, serving, etc. are just things that guide us to feel the spirit in our lives and follow its promptings. These are things that are so built in to the missionary schedule and life. No wonder many people think missionaries have spiritual reservoirs all the time. All the activities they participate in are(or should be)drawing them to Christ by bringing the Spirit into their lives. It isn't simply the calling that gives them that access. It is the day to day choices they make to fully keep their covenants by remembering the Savior, keeping the commandments, and receiving the Holy Ghost. It is a pattern that is not solely to be used by missionaries. But all saints are encouraged to serve, pray, study, and worship in order to receive this divine being in to their lives.
    Remembering this made me really ponder if my daily choices are alligned with the gospel, and if they are truly allowing me to receive the Holy Ghost.
