Wednesday, July 3, 2013

6/25/13 Life Mission

    • Go to the top of a mountain where you can see really far. (we went to the Y mountain trail head)
    • Write down your thoughts on the World Wide Leadership Training in reference to your role in establishing Zion.
    • I brought you up here to get above the world and see what God sees.
    • Read: 
      • Moses 6:27 - The life of those that do not live with vision
      • Moses 6:34 - The life of those that do live with vision 
  • Use the worksheet below the training to work out your life mission with the Lord.  Know that I do not expect you to finish.  But I do expect you to start. 
    • Spend a minimum of 40 minutes going through the worksheet creating a life mission and commitments. 
  •  CONCLUSION: after you have gone through the worksheet.
    • Write down your thoughts from your experience. AND share them with someone else. 
    • Read: 2 Nephi 31:20 carefully noting footnotes.
      •  What significance does this play with what you have learned and felt?
    • Work on your life mission and send it to me by the end of July
    • Write me a summary of what you learned from this training.  

The time has come to extend your efforts way beyond your current sights.  Consider the changes you have started and envision them being permanent, and life long.  I brought you up here to get above the world and consider what your role is in ALL this! See what He sees in YOU.  Consider the experiences of Nephi or Moses when they were carried up by the spirit to a high mount.   They saw not just all of us, but they saw themselves!  They saw who they really were, are, and needed to be.  That vision gave them a sense of mission that guided their entire lives.  Your supernal Father has great plans and ideas for you if you but choose them.  Today is your opportunity to see as He sees from His view and commit to become, to choose, and to live with vision.

While here today, I want you to spend time considering your “Life Mission” and “Commitments”.  Be bold. Step out in Faith. Draw a line in the sand.  Decide today to take responsibility and power for your actions.  Allow the Atonement to extend beyond a theoretical conversation, make it REAL!  Allow it to change, lift, and expand who you are!

Write down, and commit to BE someone!  Your Holiness Experiment was only a start! 
Some tools below have been given to guide you in your effort.

Some Principles of Life Missions
·      Mission is more than a career or occupation, it is connecting with something bigger than you
·      A life mission should extend beyond any checklist, and permeate every facet of your life
·      It needs to be something you are passionate about and committed to
·      Ultimately it leads us back to the Doctrine of Christ and the Plan of Salvation
·      It something that connects very deep and to the core of who you are, your purpose, and well-being
·      It is the meeting point between natural aptitude and personal passion
Some Principles of Commitments
·      Commitments serve as guiding principles that help me stay anchored in my life mission
·      They help us become our true selves by acting like who we want to be
·      Make personal commitments to ourselves, the area, and Heavenly Father
·      Accountability: I want to know how invested you are in making a difference in yourself, your area, and eventually the world.
Some study references to help along the way….these are not comprehensive.
·      D&C 76:50-55, 58-62, 69-70
·      D&C 88:19-24, 28-33
·      3 Nephi 27:27 
·      Moses 1
·      2 Nephi 2
o   What are you capable of in this life?
o   What is necessary to attain that?

·      Create your life mission and commitments and commit to them!
o   Create an accountability system for yourself! Make this a living document!
o   Email them to me sometime in July

Proverbs 29:18 - “Where there is no vision, the people perish…

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