Thursday, April 10, 2014

3/20/2014 Practice Recap for the Semester

Intro: In this training we revisited every training we have done this semester and spent the training practicing and ensuring that the purpose is deep in our understanding.
Take 1 hour to practice these practices with someone
Write a 3 paragraph report on what you have learned about the Doctrine of Christ from practicing.

Practice recap:
- HTBT simply 

1. Teach lesson 1 or 2 briefly in such a way as to lead someone to have Faith Unto Repentance
2. Consider a time when a missionary or someone you love has not kept an invitation….
     - Select a doctrine to teach them in such a way that will inspire them to have faith unto repentance. 

     - What evidence that you have that they are experiencing faith unto repentance in order to bring about the great plan of redemption?

Practice: feedback
- Select missionary concern
     - Companionship struggle
     - Lack of a desire to study
     - I know it all already mentality
     - Teaching lessons not people
     - Lack of doctrine in teaching
- as a group (2-3) decide what the end is you should be shooting for....
- Help that missionary endure to the right end.
    - moment, shift, MTC, mission, life? 

- to what end are you helping your missionaries work towards?
    - moment, shift, MTC, mission, life?
- How did they RECEIVE the restored Gospel through your coaching? 

- Study one principle from a lesson - 5 min
- Practice teaching to build knowledge and faith - 6 min 

- p. 126 PMG - go through questions on faith and answer from the heart as the investigator 1-5.

1. Teach the Doctrine of Christ to your partner - 2 X each
2. Coach a missionary in a purpose centered manner
    a. Missionaries don't know how to teach an investigator a certain doctrine
    b. Missionaries are not having effective studies
    c. Missionaries are totally stuck on getting investigator to just DO things
    d. Missionaries just talk and talk and talk about the topics in lessons
    - Hyrum Smith p.6 PMG: What added knowledge about the purpose did you receive as you taught or coached?
    - Evidence the purpose was fulfilled - use p. 6   

Semester Invitation Reminders:
- Consecrated Prayer 

- Read BoM 30 min daily 

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