Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29, 2014- The Path of Prayer

Weekly Training Meeting
May 29, 2014

To Complete Assignment: Send Lisanne a brief email about what you learned, what you experienced from the activities, and a specific goal you are going to implement to change the nature of your prayers.

  • Share what experiences you had that were different or the same with church this past Sunday....

  • Bible Dictionary: Prayer - As soon as we learn the true relationship…..
As soon as we learn the true relationship in which we stand toward God (namely, God is our Father, and we are His children), then at once prayer becomes natural and instinctive on our part (Matt. 7:7–11). Many of the so-called difficulties about prayer arise from forgetting this relationship. Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other. The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them. Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them. Prayer is a form of work and is an appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings. 

Two Things to Reflect On
1. Prayer becomes natural and instinctive. 
  • It becomes that way by our relationship with God
  • Is prayer that way for us?
2. The will of the child and father are brought into correspondence. 
  • Correspondence-a communication, an exchange, a commentary

READ: Group 3-4 (40 min)

What Should We Pray For?

Neal A. Maxwell

See Sally or Lisanne to borrow a copy

Questions to ponder:
    - What element of your relationship with God needs to change in order for prayer to be instinctive on your part?
    - What role is your current relationship with God playing in your personal prayers? or not playing?  
    - What is the role of the Holy Ghost in prayer? 
    - What is the "path of prayer?"
    - Where are you on the "path of prayer?"
    - What is the purpose of YOUR prayers? honest and real with yourself....
    - What are you learning about the fundamentals...    
         - Role of the Holy Ghost in Conversion?
         - Revelation through Prayer? 

ACTIVITY: Personal (30 min)
- Identify specifically what you need to understand about perfect prayers
- Identify specific applications you will change about your prayers.
- PRAY - Try it out! 

- Consecrated Prayers - morning and night
    - Change something about your prayers based on what you learned 
         - What what you pray for 
         - Understand better who you are praying to
         - Seek the guidance of the HG more fully

         - Etc. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

May 22, 2014 Thinking of the Sacrament

Weekly Training Meeting
May 22,2014

When finished: Write a one paragraph summary of what you learned and include one goal to improve your Sabbath day worship. Send to Lisanne.

Opening Hymn: 
         There Is A Green Hill Far Away

  • What does this mean to you?

Thinking of the Sacrament, 

Remember How Merciful the Lord Hath Been 
Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Reflect on these questions:
  • What does it mean to “Always remember Him?”
  • What role has the sacrament altar played in your life to remember Him?
  • What part/whole of your will needs to be on the altar?
  • Why is “remember” a doctrine?

             Moroni 10
  • Focus on what Moroni is teaching about the baptismal covenant and the role it needs to play in your life (especially verses 2-5)
  • What role does “remembering” play in your covenants?
  • Why bread? Why water? 
  • Why is the bread broken in front of you?
  • Why is it passed to you? 
  • Why do you pass it to others?
  • Why the altar?
  • Why white cloths?
  • Why consistent prayer? 
  • Why do trays return empty?
  • Why is it the most scared meeting in church?
  • Why do we take the bread and water instead of someone else giving it to us directly?
  • Don’t just “take” the sacrament, what will you “give” upon this alter weekly?

  • Prepare for sacrament
  • Remember Him! (ALWAYS!)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 12, 2014- Area Training Meeting

Area Training Meeting
with Brian Kohler
May 12, 2014

Schedule a time to WATCH this recording thru Sally

The English Area is the best Area (everyone knows that J)
   We want it to stay that way- The teacher is the most influential part of their MTC experience
   Because teachers have the most influence it can be for the good or for the not so good- lets make sure that we are trying to excel to another level to try to help the missionaries accomplish their purpose
   Be on Time
   Look the Part- get a haircut, shine your shoes, look good for the missionaries, be an example
   Always do the right thing- be a model for the missionaries
   Rededicate yourself to the job of an MTC teacher

Buildings and Potential Phasing
   Phase 1- T(Training building)1, T3 and T4 with adjacent outdoor spaces. Renovations of 2M, 4M and 18M.
   Phase 2- Entry Plaza and new Security Gate. 11M Replacement. New 1M entry onto Plaza. Landscape enhancements.
   Future Work- 1M Replacement. T2
Estimated date Finished? 2017

    For a long time we have done traditional training…
    There are a lot of questions and technology that we didn't used to have. What is going to happen in Young Men & Young Women curriculum to prepare youth for missions? What happens when they get their call? Maybe an online training area? English Online teachers? You work with them for the months before they get to the MTC.
    Future for teachers- knowing your missionaries online first then teaching them when they come to the MTC. Blended learning, instructions online and hands on in class. Many different things are being considered. Missionaries out in the field helping to train missionaries coming to the same mission.

Question & Answer

   Principles you (Brian) have lived in your life that have helped you become who you are?
   I think about how I got where I am and where I am going
   Trying to do the right thing and be in the right place at the right time
   Try to live my life in a way that helps me to the next step even if I don’t know what the next step is
   As I look back I can see the Lord’s hand and guidance
   Be true to what you know
   Eat, sleep and exercise
   Life is unfair and it’s unreasonable to expect that it should be

    How will we help missionaries from depending too much on the new technology?
    Heavenly Father is in charge of technology and it is advancing to help him spread his word. The brethren are taking a leap. We aren't making a replacement but enhancing it. We aren't really sure of the answer, but are doing things to test it.
    What do the missionaries remember or take away from their MTC experience?
    Teachers- my teachers were great. It’s not just what they taught but the impression or feeling that they gave to the missionaries
    What do we want them to take away?
    What Brian would want a missionary to get from the MTC-
1.    Understand their purpose and connect with the people
2.    Be able to teach their message in a simple, powerful and clear way
3.    They know how to help them to come to Christ through prayer, coming to church, and reading the Book of Mormon
    Teach the curriculum in a way that is relevant to the missionaries. Meet their needs WITH the fundamentals
    What does it mean to teach doctrine to meet needs?
    Help them come unto Christ by teaching them the restored gospel and helping them live it
    Find their problem under the problem- someone who smokes yes needs to quit smoking but they do that by faith, repentance, and prayer
    We only have 2 week and that is not a lot of time. Don’t lower your expectations, adapt to their individual needs.

    Rarely should an appointment take 45 minutes. If it does then a big part should be with CONNECTING, the other with HELPING, and TEACHING should be so simple that it can be done in 5-7 minutes.

May 8th, 2014- Life Mission Resurrection

May 8th, 2014
Lisanne’s Weekly Training

When Complete: Send Lisanne an email with NEW insights received about Life Mission

Life Mission Resurrection

    Teachers while floating should take advantage of the On Boarding Workshops by Managers
    Weekly Training Next week is an English Area Training with Brian Kohler Monday May 12th at 10,12,5- Bring Questions
    Remember schedules need to be in work scheduler May 9th
    Mock District happening May 20th from 11-2 in 4M-409 with Brian Kohler- Lesson Chap 3
    Any questions about schedules?

Class Insight to Power Point

    Why did you grow so much as a missionary?
-    Love, love for my companions in a different way than I knew was possible. Also loving people I wouldn’t normally like
-    God wanted us to grow. Because we put God first we should be growing just as equally
-    Distractions take away front he eternal perspective and when you are a missionary you only have that focus
-    We had an accountability of growth on our missions To presidents, companions, ward missionaries, God, investigators, members. It’s gone when you come home
-    God is the most important thing so you do what is required. Now you can’t just drop everything.
-    Your success as a missionary is dependent on ability to grow. Now being home your purpose if different
-    Our purpose- it’s easier to fulfill your purpose as a missionary. We need to increase our ability to see what our purpose is now.
-    Easy to stay focused
    Did you find anything on the mission that helped you that can’t be recreated in your life?
-    The authority that we had a missionaries
-    Being assigned to a comp or area without choice
-    Disease of spiritual apathy grabs us- maybe we don’t feel as important, loss of accountability

Real Intent- We had a purpose and we were intent on making it happen.
Accountability- We were accountable to many different people and had to report
Distractions- WE HAD NO DISTRACTIONS, when you get home the distractions were a punch in the face

    How many of you have felt like your growth was stunted in many ways when you came home? WHY?
-    There is a gradual downfall when you come home you always remember your purpose but distraction comes and you slowly let go of the goals that you had before. You can still keep those goals. Organization is key. Diligence is key. Blessing will come.
    What was on the mission that helped you grow that CAN or CAN’T be in your life now?

Group Study

    What is REAL INTENT, in God’s eyes? On the Mission or Not?
    What does ACCOUNTABILITY look like, in God’s yes? On the Mission or Not?
    What are DISTRACTIONS you face? How does God view these distractions in general? How does he view your distractions? On the Mission or Not?



  Actually existing- NOT imagined or supposed
  Can be perceived measured or quantified
  having objective existence
  why do we sometimes take our purpose less seriously when we are home?
  Not fate- Authentic
  Real in math =(not) i
  Mental thoughts are not necessarily an indicator that something is real
  must be backed up by tangible actions
  important and deserving to be regarded in a serious way
  In gospel, should be same as “righteous”
  No justification, No rationalization


   Purpose or Design
   State of mind that guides actions
   Etymology “Stretch out”
   Power of desire to follow through with that you know you should
   Not in comfort zone - God wants up to grow and stretch
   See a change in persona on a day to day basis
   Governed by our understand of potential outcomes and consequences
   Real intent: Fully stretch out to do what they have committed


   Etymology- “Liable to be called out”
   “Return and Report”
   Attitude characterized by being an effective, mindful steward over the resources, assignments, and or people we have and responsibility toward
   Natural product of agency
   understand God’s vision for you and be a co-creator with him to make it up
   does just come at the end of our experience with something but starts from the beginning. Be accountable at the beginning, during and at the end. It is CONTINUOUS.
   Drives you through activities
   Remember who you are FIRST loyal to


   Pull away from ________.
   Thoughts that pull us way during prayer
   Pray is how we come to know ourselves
   The inability to identify, attend to, or attain what is valued, even when we are had working or content
   The “easier” option
   Etymology- “To call away the mind”
   Forms or applications of necessary opposition
   splintered focus

Personal Activity/Study

Pull out your life mission and or patriarchal blessing and ponder/answer the following:
    Who are you meant to be?
    What is the Lord making of you?
    What systems of accountability need to be created?
    Where in the Gospel does your REAL Intent need to change?
    What distractions need to be removed so you can live the life you were meant to live? And have the confidence to meet the Lord face to face?

Class Insight
    Choose to do the things that are right
    Importance of recognizing the things that the Lord wants from all of us and what things he has for us INDIVIDUALLY
    Don’t hold on to things that God is trying to smooth out
    Fear and Discouragement can be big distractions- BUT they shouldn’t be excuses for obtaining what is valuable
    Give 100% of yourself to where you are IN the moment… no matter if it’s emails, devotional, busy work, so that you can give time to what is really important. Don’t let distractions get in the way and have time wasted

    Create or RESURRECT your LIFE MISSION…
    Have this be the driving force for your goals and summer progress
    Email me your revised or new Life Mission by June 1, 2014

    Remember the invitations from last semester, we will be reviewing those in the coming weeks

May 1, 2014- Welcome to Spring- Summer

May 1, 2014
Lisanne’s Weekly Training

HARD SCHEDULES – Look over your schedule 
- How does the A shift prepare the missionaries for the B and ZR shift?
- How does the B shift follow up on the A shift and prepare for the ZR shift?
- How does the ZR shift follow up on A and B and Prepare for A the next day? 
- How does the flow of doctrine acquisition flow from ZR shift to A and B? 
- How do you help the missionaries prepare for TRC after in-field when there is no set time to prepare during the day? 
- How does BoM reads work when it's all one teacher vs. A and B teachers? 
- How does the TRC impact what happens in the classroom?
- How do you effectively teach the MTC overview BEFORE People and Purpose? What about after? 
- What should the missionaries’ very first personal study look like to prepare them for the MTC? 
- WI, TC, WFU will be taught as does that affect the ZR shift? How does that change how you view it? 
- What role does the teacher log play in helping the missionaries have an effective experience?
- How do the fundamentals build off of each other? 
- What adjustments need to be made to help the doctrine by effective since they are pushed all to the front of the missionary experience? 
- What is the overall objective of week 1? 
- What is the overall objective of week 2? 
- What is the overall objective of week 3? 

To Complete: Discuss schedule in depth with Zone Coordinator.