Friday, June 27, 2014

June 26, 2014- Powerful and PERSONAL experiences in the Book of Mormon

Weekly Training
June 26, 2014

What a great honor to serve with you at this wonderful time of hastening the work!  Weekly training this week will be different, but equally as powerful if you let it be so!  We will be following up on training last week… So, if you missed last week you have a few days to complete the training so that you are ready for this one!

Training will still occur and attendance is required.  I will not be in attendance, but there will be someone getting the meetings started.  It’s very important that you understand what you are doing, so read carefully and make sure to ask me any questions if you have any.

Training meetings will be Thursday June 26th at 10:45am-12:15pm AND 12:30-2:00pm as usual. In 4M-409. 

Brady Schvaneveldt will be conducting the morning meeting. Please get the roll from the maroon hanging folder by my desk. Please give it to Mary at the end of the morning training so she can use it for the afternoon training. Mary Lyon will be conducting the afternoon meeting.  Mary, after the roll goes around in your training, I want you to text me who was not in attendance. After training, please put the roll back in the maroon hanging folder by my desk.

The Focus and goal of the training meeting will be enacting our personal vision of what the Book of Mormon can be in our own lives based on what we learned from Elder Nelson’s talk on the Gathering of Israel and John Welch’s talk on the many seals of the Book of Mormon.  We must begin to have consistent, powerful experiences in the Book of Mormon PERSONALLY before we can help missionaries do the same.  This week is geared to focus on your PERSONAL experiences and relationship with the Book of Mormon.  You can start this before training of course, but training time will be set aside for helping make the vision God has for you a reality.

Making this vision a reality: Remember the invitation from last week was to pray for a vision of how the Book of Mormon could be used in your life… Found on pg. 110 in PMG.  Please come with your vision prepared and any materials you need to study personally to make that vision a reality.  ALSO note that if you have additional materials besides the Book of Mormon, use them judiciously and make sure you spend the majority of your time actually IN the Book of Mormon, not just studying ABOUT it.

The training schedule will go as follows:
·         10:45am or 12:30pm – opening song and prayer. Sign the roll
·         10:50am or 12:35pm – Begin Training and obtaining the word…
·         11:55am or 1:40pm – Discuss thoughts on feelings and experience in small/large groups, close with prayer
·         12:05pm or 1:50pm – go to computer lab and write Lisanne an email detailing your vision, experience, questions you may have, ideas for improvement in the classroom, personal goals, etc. (This email is mandatory)

If you will not be at training for vacation reasons next week, make sure you approve your absence with me as usual if you haven’t already.  You can do this assignment on your own time while you are away, BUT it must be one solid chunk of time you complete it in. I don’t want you to separate the time. 

If you miss training without approval, it will count as a missed training and a verbal warning will be issued. So, make sure you are there or you have permission to do it while you are away.

I sure love you! Sorry I can’t be there!  I will be doing it with you from a remote location.  I hope that this proves to be monumental in your personal growth!  I’m stoked to read your emails about your experiences!

Regular weekly trainings will resume July 3rd, 2014…..(With me there)

Please let me know if you have any questions! 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 19, 2014- Uncovering the Seals of the Book of Mormon in Our Lives

Weekly Training Meeting
June 19, 2014

To Complete Assignment: Please read Study, Faith and the Book of Mormon and fill out the questions below personally. Send Lisanne a synopsis email about what you learned 

Announcement: Area Party- Tuesday, July 1st. Bon Fire at Provo Canyon at 7:00pm. Meet in the parking lot across from the MTC @ 6:30 if you want to car pool


Study, Faith, and the Book of Mormon
By: John W. Welch

Group Activity: Reflect on the reading and answer the following questions
(with class insight)
  • What am I learning about the BoM and it’s many seals?
    • The BoM teaches us to our level
    • We are the ones who choose how deep to dive
    • Thats why “the BoM combined with spirit is your most powerful resource in conversion”
    • We need the Holy Ghost to help 
    • Reveal it’s many seals
    • More organized effort is necessary to open them
    • Many of life’s lessons are sealed because they are to come forth “in the own due time of the Lord,” and come as we daily feast upon it’s word.
    • We need to stop speaking to the BoM and have it speak to us
    • The BoM is not sealed because we aren’t ready for it but because of things we lack or aren’t doing in our lives
    • Where are you with your seals and the BoM?
  • How will I act for my eternal benefit because of what I have learned?
    • Study to hear and know the voice of the Lord
    • Enhance my understanding of all the aspects of the BoM- spiritual, historical, intellectual, etc…
    • Daily powerful experiences with the BoM
  • How will I change my use of the BoM in the classroom?
    • Use it for the missionaries no just investigators
    • Help missionaries see how it speaks to everyone at their level of understanding
    • Do not focus on historical corroboration but testify as though it were obvious
    • The BoM is purpose centered. It is to be a witness of Christ. Bringing us closer to the Godhead

Spend time with this talk and think about how the BoM needs to become unsealed. What are you doing to help it become unsealed?

What kind of pursuit is the BoM in your life? Make understanding the BoM a lifetime pursuit

“Please do not take the Book of Mormon for granted. Pray for a vision of how the Book of Mormon can be used more effectively in your mission. I promise that as you do so, your mind will be enlightened with the direction that you should take.”
-Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
PMG pg. 110

  • Pray for a vision of how you can use the BoM in your life/mission/class etc… 
  • Prepare this for next week’s training

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12, 2014- What is God Making of You?

Weekly Training Meeting
June 12, 2014

Assignment: Upon completion of all study and personal activities… share what you learned with your zone coordinator. Write an email to Lisanne about what you learned and who you are going to be more committed to the invitations this semester?

Christ and The Rich Young Ruler Bible Video
Watch This
(Matthew 19:16-26)

Reflect: How does this young ruler relate to you?

Personal Study:
  • What do you possess that needs to be sold/sacrificed?
  • What does God want you to receive?
  • How can you use your dual nature to your advantage?

With your list, think of: What does Prayer, BoM, or Church play in giving up your possessions and helping you become what God intends?

Invitation: Be Recommitted to Daily Consecrated Prayer, 30 min a day of BoM study, Make and Keep Covenants through the Sacrament weekly.

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 5, 2014- The Book of Mormon and the Gathering of Israel

Weekly Training Meeting
June 5, 2014

To Complete Assignment: Read the talk and pick a few questions that interest you, write an email to Lisanne about what you learned. 

The Book of Mormon


The Book of Mormon and the Gathering of Israel

by Elder Russell M. Nelson
see Lisanne to read a copy

Groups: (3-4)
  • Go to a few of the references that interest you…
  • What is the ultimate END God is working towards?
    • How does you perspective of the END and the role of the BoM in it need to change?
  • What role does the BoM play in the Gathering of Israel?
  • How is God trying to Gather You? How do you view the covenant of God has made to Gather You!?!
  • What role does the BoM need to play in your personal Gathering?
  • What are you learning about the Fundamental: Revelation through the BoM?
  • What role is the BoM playing in helping the infinite Atonement, be infinite for you in your life?
  • What role has the BoM played in your understanding/ investment in the Abrahamic Covenant?
    • What role does it need to play? (look at your Patriarchal Blessing)

Activity: (Personal)
  • Identify specifically what you need to understand about the BoM and the role it needs to play in your life…
  • Identify specific applications you will change about your BoM study based on what you learned…
  • READ! Try it out

  • Read the BoM 30 minutes a day
  • Change something about your current approach based on what you learned