Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 19, 2014- Uncovering the Seals of the Book of Mormon in Our Lives

Weekly Training Meeting
June 19, 2014

To Complete Assignment: Please read Study, Faith and the Book of Mormon and fill out the questions below personally. Send Lisanne a synopsis email about what you learned 

Announcement: Area Party- Tuesday, July 1st. Bon Fire at Provo Canyon at 7:00pm. Meet in the parking lot across from the MTC @ 6:30 if you want to car pool


Study, Faith, and the Book of Mormon
By: John W. Welch

Group Activity: Reflect on the reading and answer the following questions
(with class insight)
  • What am I learning about the BoM and it’s many seals?
    • The BoM teaches us to our level
    • We are the ones who choose how deep to dive
    • Thats why “the BoM combined with spirit is your most powerful resource in conversion”
    • We need the Holy Ghost to help 
    • Reveal it’s many seals
    • More organized effort is necessary to open them
    • Many of life’s lessons are sealed because they are to come forth “in the own due time of the Lord,” and come as we daily feast upon it’s word.
    • We need to stop speaking to the BoM and have it speak to us
    • The BoM is not sealed because we aren’t ready for it but because of things we lack or aren’t doing in our lives
    • Where are you with your seals and the BoM?
  • How will I act for my eternal benefit because of what I have learned?
    • Study to hear and know the voice of the Lord
    • Enhance my understanding of all the aspects of the BoM- spiritual, historical, intellectual, etc…
    • Daily powerful experiences with the BoM
  • How will I change my use of the BoM in the classroom?
    • Use it for the missionaries no just investigators
    • Help missionaries see how it speaks to everyone at their level of understanding
    • Do not focus on historical corroboration but testify as though it were obvious
    • The BoM is purpose centered. It is to be a witness of Christ. Bringing us closer to the Godhead

Spend time with this talk and think about how the BoM needs to become unsealed. What are you doing to help it become unsealed?

What kind of pursuit is the BoM in your life? Make understanding the BoM a lifetime pursuit

“Please do not take the Book of Mormon for granted. Pray for a vision of how the Book of Mormon can be used more effectively in your mission. I promise that as you do so, your mind will be enlightened with the direction that you should take.”
-Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
PMG pg. 110

  • Pray for a vision of how you can use the BoM in your life/mission/class etc… 
  • Prepare this for next week’s training

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