Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10, 2014- Introducing the Book of Mormon to Others

Weekly Training Meeting
July 10, 2014

To Complete Assignment: Do the practices with another MTC teacher. Write Lisanne about what you learned from the practices.

  • Soccer MTC Cup- SIGN UP!! google doc
  • July 24th Training will be on a different day and you will be discussing observing lessons in Chapter 3… look out for an email about this
  • Please keep Sister Teirua in your prayers- VC Sister in the hospital

How should we introduce the Book of Mormon to investigators?


Blue book pg. 30
The first question in the box: Revelation Through the Book of Mormon

What is the role of the Book of Mormon?… (in)

  • Definition- witness of truth, knowledge of something, declaration of truth
  • knowledge of God’s dealings
  • knowledge of the doctrines of the gospel
  • witness of- JS Prophet, true church, keystone of religion, JC is our savior
  • Christ’s church on earth
  • Truth of history
  • Testament of Christ
  • Definition- essential for salvation, act on will of God/change will, deep understanding of truth (atonement and DOC) moves you to act
  • nearer to God by abiding by it’s precepts
  • Precept: commandment regarding moral conduct
  • change of will
  • Teaches how to live what we believe
  • Peace in this life, eternal salvation in life to come-ACT
  • Teaches how to act righteously to attain eternal rewards and goals
  • covenant of Christ- understand celestial law

What does it mean for you to understand the role of helping missionaries understand revelation through the Book of Mormon in testimony AND conversion?
  • Without testimony they won’t want to abide by it’s precepts
  • Help investigators not only have testimony but conversion as well. APPLY their testimony to their lives

Introduce the Book of Mormon to Investigators
(7th principle in L1)
Practice doing this in 5 minutes then do the evaluation and re-practice
Repeat practicing in- 5 min… 4 min… 3 min… 2 min…

Evaluation: 2 min
Blue Book pg. 28
  • Did the investigator understand the role of the BoM in conversion and how to know it’s true?
  • Was the investigator’s faith strengthened?


  • Use the Book of Mormon as the tool it’s meant to be… (like we started last week)
  • Help missionaries introduce the Book of Mormon properly in PI/other

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