Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 17, 2014- Opening Training

Weekly Training Meeting
September 17, 2014

  • Put your schedule in work scheduler (put shifts in as if they are putting week one over week two)
  • Mark the roll if you have completed the past two trainings and done the assignments
  • No Saturday shifts on general conference weekend
  • Mission reunion- YOU MUST go to your shift on Friday unless you have an approved sub
  • Go to dress and grooming website to look at it for boys and girls. This is for you and your missionaries. 
  • Introduce yourself to someone you don’t know in the area/ everyone you don’t know in the area!!

From Regional conference last weekend-

“True worship promotes true conversion”
-Whitney Clayton

Group Study:

What does true worship look like?
(Class Insight)
  • taking others with you, praying for them to receive revelation
  • consecration
  • self-sacrificing
  • christ centered
  • humble/ looking to God
  • righteousness
  • between us and God
  • Understand true relationship with God
  • Desire/willing
  • obedience out of love, not duty
  • Honoring covenants
  • Serve only God (Moses 1:15)
  • Come seeking guidance
  • Love Jesus (Godhead)
  • Active participation/thinking 
  • Developing Christlike attributes
  • Natures change because of experience
  • Doesn’t take offense
  • All heart, might, mind and strength 
  • Leads to conversion
  • Broken heart
  • Being willing to sacrifice all we have (Widow’s mite)
  • Apply the atonement
  • singing the hymns
  • Active participation/thinking
  • work 
  • Seek His face
  • Think His thoughts
  • Worship the Father
  • Primary priority
  • Complete adoration and reverence for deity
  • Going with goals and plans for a change of heart

What does true worship NOT look like?
(Class Insight)
  • Come to be seen
  • Idolatry (Exodus 20:3-6)
  • going through the motions
  • sleeping
  • On phone at church/texting/facebook/twitter/insta
  • Obeying/worshiping without faith
  • Pride/self focused
  • Not removing yourself from unholy situations
  • Self gratification
  • Done for recognition from man 
  • Try to become perfect by myself
  • Only sacrificing that which is in abundance 
  • Giving preconditioned responses
  • serving 2 masters; lukewarm
  • Gives a good gift grudgingly (Moroni 7:8)
  • Non-doctrinal traditions
  • Where is our heart when we worship?

Personal Study:
  • Review invitations that were given at the end of summer
    • Revelation through church attendance, journaling, Reading the Book of Mormon
  • Be ready to be a part of training. Get involved. We teach each other and ourselves.

How do we worship? Do we worship in church/sacrament meeting?

How to Worship- Bruce R. McConkie 1971

What are you learning about worship? About your own worship?

Is true worship something you do or something you are?
How can you get true worship?


  • Prepare for sacrament weekly
  • Consider how you need to improve your worship… DO IT!

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