Friday, October 31, 2014

October 30, 2014- Doctrine in Prayer

Weekly Training Meeting
October 21, 2014

To Complete AssignmentWrite Lisanne an email about what you learned from the study below. Write a follow-up email about how your prayers are changing.

The schedules that you see for winter assignments are in the email that Sally sent out. If you are staying next semester you should have received this email. 

  • Note that the Training Meetings and Zone Meetings are on each schedule—These times are NOT negotiable. Be sure to keep that in mind when signing up for classes. 

Next week it will be humility and gratitude in prayer

Group Thinking:
Mormon culture realizations this week… or.. how are your negative cultural tendencies changing?

Prayers are more real
Trust and believe more in God, that he will answer and give
We pray for God to just tell us truth instead of seeking for Him to manifest it unto us

Alma 14:26
Alma 18:41
Alma 31: 30
John 17
Matt. 7: 7-12
3 Nephi 13: 7-13/ Matt 6:9-13
Moses 1:36
Moses 7: 54, 59
Helaman 11: 9-16
1 Nephi 7:17
Find your own

You can use these topics to guide you through these scriptures if you would like.    



Why doctrine was used

What effect it had of ministry/relationship with God

Practice: (choose context)
  • Practice pray incorporating doctrine in prayer (watch for cultural tendencies)
  • Practice Testimony AND Doctrine in prayer

  • Help your partner learn from their own prayer.
  • What did you learn from your partner’s prayer?
  • What impact is doctrine having in your prayer?

  • Incorporate Testimony and Doctrine into prayers
  • Tell someone about it
  • Write about effects in your journal

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014- Testimony in Prayer

Weekly Training Meeting
October 22, 2014

To Complete Assignment: Write Lisanne an email about what you learned from the study below. Write a follow-up email about how your prayers are changing.

  • If you sign up for an appointment with Lisanne, BE THERE.
  • Lisanne is teaching VC this week… you can come observe

Group Study:

What are Cultural identifications of mormon prayers?
(Class Insight)
  • Remove our hat
  • Dear Heavenly Father
  • Expect a “good feeling” whenever we pray
  • thank you for this day
  • Really long winded
  • Zone out when others pray
  • thank thee for this day
  • please bless this food
  • all our many blessings
  • no preparation
  • no conscious effort to achieve it for ourself
  • help us drive home safe
  • have the spirit to be with us
  • close our eyes
  • go right back to what we were doing after it is over
  • bless me/us to have a good day
  • bless the missionaries that they can be lead to…
  • Name of Jesus Christ, Amen
  • Thankful/Grateful for….
  • bless us to do well at
  • bless we’ll be safe
  • forgive us of our shortcomings
  • bless those that aren’t here and that they can come next time
  • apply in our lives
  • that we will be able to

What should our prayers be evidence of?
(Class Insight)
  • we wish the same as Christ
  • our repentance
  • aligning our will with our Father’s will for us
  • qualifies us for eternal life
  • our duty to God
  • relationship with God 
  • Faith in Him
  • Our willingness to be blessed
  • A broken heart and a contrite spirit
  • we pray in the name of Christ when we have the mind of Christ, when our wishes are the wishes of Christ
  • Prayer is a form of work
  • our need for help from the Godhead
  • willingness to work for the blessings we seek 
  • gratitude and recognition for what God/Christ has done for us
  • sacrifice
  • directed to the temple
  • prayers not answered when we pray our own wishes and not Christ’s
  • our faith, our willingness to repent, our love for God/ourself/others
  • our understanding of Christ’s desires

Testimony and Prayer

Study the following scriptures on prayer and pay attention to testimony in the prayer. 

Ether 3:4-5
Ether 12:29
2 Nephi 4:19, 30, 34, 35
2 Nephi 7:7
Alma 26:12
2 Nephi 33:4
1 Nephi 7:17
Jacob 7:14
Find your own

What would adding testimony to your prayers do?

Evaluate the scriptures with the following:
(feel free to add to this chart other categories that come to mind)

  • Practice prayer focusing on testimony
  • Eliminiate Mormon culture
(Prayers should be 90 seconds or less—this will give lots of practices and chances for feedback)

  • What are you learning?
  • How is testimony impacting prayer?
  • What feedback is helping you?

  • Implement testimony this week
  • Cut out cultural items
  • Tell someone about it or write in your journal about the effect

Thursday, October 16, 2014

October 16, 2014- Improving our Prayers...for reals.

Weekly Training Meeting
October 16, 2014

To Complete Assignment:
After reading the talk below send Lisanne one paragraph of what you learned and a list of at least three ideas to improve prayer.

Lisanne is picking up a VC district next Wednesday and you are welcome to come and observe


  • How does you prosperity of Provo, college, american, 1st world country impact your prayers?
  • What “step” will you focus on this week?
  • What doctrine if understood would cause prayer to be natural and instinctive on your part?

What are some practical ideas you have done or would like to do to make your prayers more effective?
Ex. Pray right when you get home instead of waiting until you are tired and in bed.

  • Pray with a new aspect of prayer you have been focusing on studying about
  • Schedule in your planner she you will pray for the next two weeks


  • Daily Prayer (morning/night)
  • Schedule prayers

October 8, 2014- General Conference...Fad?....Life Style?....

Weekly Training Meeting
October 8, 2014

To Complete Assignment:
Send Lisanne a one paragraph summary of what you learned from graphing your spirituality. Spend at least one hour reviewing General Conference.  Send Lisanne 1-2 goals you have to improve your life from what you learned at GC and how to make the influence more permanent than a weekend.

Training Services are in need of workshop trainers- if you would like to apply talk to Lisanne

Make a Spirituality graph since you have been home with the general conferences being the marks (unless you have been home for 8 months or less)

Bottom axis- Time— months you have been home 
Side axis- Spirituality 

Describe your peaks and valleys
Describe the influence the living prophets have played on your progress
How does your past forecast your future?

  • 3 Nephi 12:1
  • Temple: “These are true messengers sent from the Father, I exhort you to give strict HEED to their cousel and teaching and they shall lead you to life and salvation” -Adam
  • Review General Conference notes and talks
    • What is God’s vision for you in the next 6 months?
    • What did you learn from general conference that was direction for accomplishing that vision?


BE what you learned from general conference. 

October 1st, 2014- Become who you really are through Journal Writing

Weekly Training Meeting
October 1, 2014

To Complete Assignment:
Write a 3-5 paragraph summary of what you learned about learning, worship, journals, discipleship, and the purpose diagram.

  • DO NOT go over 20 hours if you are not subbing. If you are going over 20 hours be sure to ask Lisanne. 
  • YOU MUST NEVER go over 24 hours.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday next week Lisanne will be on a Mission Visit. She will be available by phone or email, but will not be in office.
  • Be sure that your teacher logs are helpful! If you don’t know what that means be sure to ask a ZC so they can explain it to you.

What are you getting out of your church experience since last week?

How is character built?
(Class Insight)
  • Consistency
  • Pattern of righteous living
  • integrity
  • Experiences/ trial and error
  • living the first principles and ordinances of the gospel
  • Companionship of the Holy Ghost
  • writing things down
  • Exercise of faith and true principles
  • Turning outward
  • Setting goals and doing your best to achieve them
  • Asking questions
  • Doing the Father’s will instead of his own
  • Doing what God intended you to do
  • Constant reflection on our growth
  • Be who you want to become

Look for a way to build your character. 

Read this talk together and think of a questions. Write it down then read.
To Learn and to Teach More Effectively 
Elder Scott

Sample Questions:
  • What is true learning?
  • What is true teaching?
  • Define the relationships in the purpose diagram…
  • What role does journal writing play in your life? learning? Teaching?

Write down what you are seeing, feeling, hearing. 

Reflect on:
Journals and Worship, Discipleship
Teaching and Learning
  • My journal contains a record of my worship
  • writing is a pathway to learning and perfection
  • writing affects my relationship to myself, God and others
  • Participation encourages ownership
  • Journal writing is a powerful form of pondering
  • If I treat sacred that knowledge and those promptings God has given me by writing them down, God will increase my capacity to worship and therefore I will receive the spirit with greater ease.
  • Recording spiritual promptings in a secure place is prerequisite to it becoming a secure part of our character.
  • learning depends on size of agency faith and desire to apply
  • Seek to learn by everything we see, hear and feel; not just what w want to see, hear and feel
  • consistency + faith will make it easier to see the progress I am looking for
  • To acquire spiritual guidance we have to grow in wisdom.. the wisdom of God.Growing in wisdom takes effort. Journaling our spiritual experiences gives us the ability to review what God has taught us and it allows Him to continue to teach us new things.
  • Journal writing is a demonstration of our care for revelation and a tool for channeling the revelation
  • Recording helps us be aware of the teaching the Lord is offering at that time of life
  • Record what I see hear and feel. Not just what I want to see hear and feel. When you write in your journal write who you are at the end of the day and see how you progress. 

Write in your journal at least once a week

(This is a sample invitation. If you receive other revelation for yourself go with that invitation)