Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014- Testimony in Prayer

Weekly Training Meeting
October 22, 2014

To Complete Assignment: Write Lisanne an email about what you learned from the study below. Write a follow-up email about how your prayers are changing.

  • If you sign up for an appointment with Lisanne, BE THERE.
  • Lisanne is teaching VC this week… you can come observe

Group Study:

What are Cultural identifications of mormon prayers?
(Class Insight)
  • Remove our hat
  • Dear Heavenly Father
  • Expect a “good feeling” whenever we pray
  • thank you for this day
  • Really long winded
  • Zone out when others pray
  • thank thee for this day
  • please bless this food
  • all our many blessings
  • no preparation
  • no conscious effort to achieve it for ourself
  • help us drive home safe
  • have the spirit to be with us
  • close our eyes
  • go right back to what we were doing after it is over
  • bless me/us to have a good day
  • bless the missionaries that they can be lead to…
  • Name of Jesus Christ, Amen
  • Thankful/Grateful for….
  • bless us to do well at
  • bless we’ll be safe
  • forgive us of our shortcomings
  • bless those that aren’t here and that they can come next time
  • apply in our lives
  • that we will be able to

What should our prayers be evidence of?
(Class Insight)
  • we wish the same as Christ
  • our repentance
  • aligning our will with our Father’s will for us
  • qualifies us for eternal life
  • our duty to God
  • relationship with God 
  • Faith in Him
  • Our willingness to be blessed
  • A broken heart and a contrite spirit
  • we pray in the name of Christ when we have the mind of Christ, when our wishes are the wishes of Christ
  • Prayer is a form of work
  • our need for help from the Godhead
  • willingness to work for the blessings we seek 
  • gratitude and recognition for what God/Christ has done for us
  • sacrifice
  • directed to the temple
  • prayers not answered when we pray our own wishes and not Christ’s
  • our faith, our willingness to repent, our love for God/ourself/others
  • our understanding of Christ’s desires

Testimony and Prayer

Study the following scriptures on prayer and pay attention to testimony in the prayer. 

Ether 3:4-5
Ether 12:29
2 Nephi 4:19, 30, 34, 35
2 Nephi 7:7
Alma 26:12
2 Nephi 33:4
1 Nephi 7:17
Jacob 7:14
Find your own

What would adding testimony to your prayers do?

Evaluate the scriptures with the following:
(feel free to add to this chart other categories that come to mind)

  • Practice prayer focusing on testimony
  • Eliminiate Mormon culture
(Prayers should be 90 seconds or less—this will give lots of practices and chances for feedback)

  • What are you learning?
  • How is testimony impacting prayer?
  • What feedback is helping you?

  • Implement testimony this week
  • Cut out cultural items
  • Tell someone about it or write in your journal about the effect

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