Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3/6/2014 Covenants in our Purpose

Weekly Training
6 March 2014
Covenants in our Purpose

Please read the following talks and ponder the following questions:

http://speeches.byu.edu/?act=viewitem&id=776 – “Making Covenants with God”

- How does our Faith Unto Repentance influence the power we can receive from covenants? 
- How does our covenants effect the cyclic nature and depth of the Doctrine of Christ in our lives? 
- What role do Covenants play in our ultimate end?
-How does your understanding of the whole doctrine of Christ change with a shift in understanding the     power of covenants? 
- What role do covenants play in helping missionaries fulfill their purpose? 
- What is the new and everlasting covenant? 

READ as you ponder the invitation:
PMG First presidency message - last 2 paragraphs

    -      Re-commit to a Covenant you have made in your life....(personal/Salvational) 
-          Continue in your invitations below to help you receive power in what you are re-committing yourself to.
         - Consecrated Prayer

         - Read BoM daily - another testament of Christ....another covenant of Christ

2/27/2014 Faith Unto Repentance

Weekly Training
Faith Unto Repentance


What have you learned about
What have you learned about
faith this semester?
repentance this semester?
What is Faith? - PMG 61-62
What is repentance? - PMG 62-63
Assurance of Things hoped for
Alligning will with God's
Understanding of God's Attributes
Possible B/C of Atonement
Fresh view of self, God, and world
Desire for positive change
Confidence in Christ's Attributes
change of desires
A softening
Based on Truth
active humility
reliance of grace
Married to Repentance
Finding self through christ
Prep for greater things

Study Faith or Repentance more from Chapter 3, Lesson 3 in PMG

Read Alma 34:14-17
Unto – 1. To      2. Until
To – Expressing motion in the direction of, extending to stopping at in order to, that one may, identifying the person or thing affected
Until – Just before, as far as, up to (the point in time or event mentioned)
Connect faith unto repentance using phrases from definitions above
Write them Down!

Consider your ultimate end, which direction is your faith heading?
At what speed are you getting there? –
·         Shoes- Super easy
·         Scooter- a little more work and coordination
·         Bike- Need a bit of help and time with me
·         Car- Need to learn laws, spend lots of time, practice coordination, take tests
·         Airplane- Learn Laws, Spend lots of time, Practice Coordination, Take tests, Go to school
·         Translation- ?????????
·         God has already given EVERY person on this earth EVERYTHING… It’s up to us to determine what we are willing to receive.

Practice –
1.       Teach lesson 1 or 2 briefly in such a way to lead them to faith unto repentance
2.       Consider a time when a missionary or someone you love has not kept an invitation. Select a doctrine to teach them in such a way that will lead them to faith unto repentance.

Evaluate – What evidence is there that they are receiving faith unto repentance in order to bring about the great plan of redemption

Invitation – Continue your consecrated prayers focused on “ends”
Read BOM 30 every day
Seek for faith unto repentance in your life

2/20/2014 Begin with the End in Mind

Weekly Training
Begin with the End in Mind

How is your consecrated prayer going?

What do you think of when you hear the word “End?”

Read John 18:33-37- What is the “End” that Christ is talking about?
·         Divine Heritage - King of the Jews
·         Role in salvation of others - The Atonement
·         Serve and give of Himself to others
·         Testifiy and teach of truth
·         To be crucified
·         Additional Thoughts?

In the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we talk about “Enduring to the End,” what is the “End” we are talking about?
·         Eternal life
·         Continuation of each ordinance
·         Enduring to become like Jesus Christ
·         Complete Conversion
·         Additional Thoughts?

What are some ends that we work towards in our life?
·         Lunch, marriage, More Money, Career, Graduation, Retirement
·         Mission, First Endowment, Kids, Grandkids
·         Additional Thoughts?

Read this quote from Elder Bednar’s talk “Ye Must Be Born Again”

The Lord’s authorized servants repeatedly teach that one of the principal purposes of our mortal existence is to be spiritually changed and transformed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Alma declared:
“Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;
“And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God” (Mosiah 27:25–26).
We are instructed to “come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny [ourselves] of all ungodliness” (Moroni 10:32), to become “new creature[s]” in Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:17), to put off “the natural man” (Mosiah 3:19), and to experience “a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually” (Mosiah 5:2). Please note that the conversion described in these verses is mighty, not minor—a spiritual rebirth and fundamental change of what we feel and desire, what we think and do, and what we are. Indeed, the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ entails a fundamental and permanent change in our very nature made possible through our reliance upon “the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah” (2 Nephi 2:8). As we choose to follow the Master, we choose to be changed—to be spiritually reborn.

To what End are YOU ultimately working towards?
How does you End determine where you end up?
How does your End affect how you receive the restored gospel?
·         Faith
·         Repentance
·         Baptism
·         Gift of Holy Ghost
·         Enduring to the End

Practice- Feedback/coaching
Select a Missionary concern
·         Companionship struggle
·         Lack of desire to study
·         I know it all mentality
·         Teaching lessons, not people
·         Lack of doctrine in teaching
As a group, decide what “end” you should be shooting for… (Moment, shift, lesson, MTC, Mission, Life, Eternal Life..)
Help that missionary endure to the right end (5 min)

·         To what end are you helping missionaries work towards
·         How did they receive the restored Gospel through your coaching?

Invitation- Begin with the End in Mind
·         Consider to what end you are working towards physically, mentally, spiritually, temporally, emotionally

·         Continue your consecrated prayers… consider the effects of the Ends in your life and how they impact your daily life

2/13/2014 Richard Heaton Training

Teachers of the English Empire,
Friday we will be fortunate to have a training for our area given by Richard Heaton. This training will be in place of weekly training, so it must be made up if you miss it. I will have three copies of the training on DVD at my desk in 18M-138. Please email me and lets set up a time for each of you who missed the training to come in and watch it. The make-up must be completed as soon as possible.

-Alan Goesch

2/6/2014 Faith and Knowledge

Weekly Training
Faith and Knowledge

·         Learn to measure your life on the correct faith or knowledge scale
·         Have ideas for how to build your faith
·         Operate your life more on the faith scale.

·         Study Faith and Knowledge in PMG in Ch. 6
o   Make 3 columns: Faith, Knowledge, Similarities
·         Consider how Faith and knowledge work together
·         What power comes from Faith?
·         What power comes from Knowledge?
·         What power comes when you have faith and knowledge?

·         To build faith, you must work the basics of faith which begin with understanding the character of God.  Study the a few of the character attributes of God.
o   Explore Faith - What it is? Character of God that enables our faith to be powerful enough for life unto Salvation?
God is the same before and after the Creation, he is the creator and upholder of all things 
    - unwavering faith
God is unchangeable 
    - faith is unshaken confidence
God is truth and cannot lie
    - power to the minds of men to exercise faith in him
God is merciful, gracious, slow to anger, long-suffering and full of goodness, forgiving disposition and does forgive
    - exceedingly strong faith
God is love
    - just grounds to exercise faith in God so as to obtain eternal life.
God is no respecter of persons
    - authority by faith to lay hold on eternal life 

·         P. 126 PMG – Go through questions on faith and answer from the heart
o   What did you learn about your current faith?
o   How does your faith need to grow?

·         Begin having consecrated prayers to the Lord….(2 Ne 32:8-9_
o   Have a morning Prayer
§  Pray over every detail in the day and ask God to consecrate it
o   Have an evening prayer
§  Account for the day
·         What did you learn?
·         How did you see the Lord’s hand?
·         What will change tomorrow?

Promised Blessings:
- When you feel great about your missionaries it's because you are on their level, if being here is what gives you your spiritual boost for the day, you are spiritually deficient.  You should be feeling sorrow for your missionaries lack of study, your demeanor should say rise up!  Be somebody!  you should have agony of soul over them.
- As you do this you will feel an increase in faith and hope which will increase your faith in who you are and how God is.
- Your will increase in confidence in all areas of your life.
- Power will come into your life and teaching