Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2/27/2014 Faith Unto Repentance

Weekly Training
Faith Unto Repentance


What have you learned about
What have you learned about
faith this semester?
repentance this semester?
What is Faith? - PMG 61-62
What is repentance? - PMG 62-63
Assurance of Things hoped for
Alligning will with God's
Understanding of God's Attributes
Possible B/C of Atonement
Fresh view of self, God, and world
Desire for positive change
Confidence in Christ's Attributes
change of desires
A softening
Based on Truth
active humility
reliance of grace
Married to Repentance
Finding self through christ
Prep for greater things

Study Faith or Repentance more from Chapter 3, Lesson 3 in PMG

Read Alma 34:14-17
Unto – 1. To      2. Until
To – Expressing motion in the direction of, extending to stopping at in order to, that one may, identifying the person or thing affected
Until – Just before, as far as, up to (the point in time or event mentioned)
Connect faith unto repentance using phrases from definitions above
Write them Down!

Consider your ultimate end, which direction is your faith heading?
At what speed are you getting there? –
·         Shoes- Super easy
·         Scooter- a little more work and coordination
·         Bike- Need a bit of help and time with me
·         Car- Need to learn laws, spend lots of time, practice coordination, take tests
·         Airplane- Learn Laws, Spend lots of time, Practice Coordination, Take tests, Go to school
·         Translation- ?????????
·         God has already given EVERY person on this earth EVERYTHING… It’s up to us to determine what we are willing to receive.

Practice –
1.       Teach lesson 1 or 2 briefly in such a way to lead them to faith unto repentance
2.       Consider a time when a missionary or someone you love has not kept an invitation. Select a doctrine to teach them in such a way that will lead them to faith unto repentance.

Evaluate – What evidence is there that they are receiving faith unto repentance in order to bring about the great plan of redemption

Invitation – Continue your consecrated prayers focused on “ends”
Read BOM 30 every day
Seek for faith unto repentance in your life

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