Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2/6/2014 Faith and Knowledge

Weekly Training
Faith and Knowledge

·         Learn to measure your life on the correct faith or knowledge scale
·         Have ideas for how to build your faith
·         Operate your life more on the faith scale.

·         Study Faith and Knowledge in PMG in Ch. 6
o   Make 3 columns: Faith, Knowledge, Similarities
·         Consider how Faith and knowledge work together
·         What power comes from Faith?
·         What power comes from Knowledge?
·         What power comes when you have faith and knowledge?

·         To build faith, you must work the basics of faith which begin with understanding the character of God.  Study the a few of the character attributes of God.
o   Explore Faith - What it is? Character of God that enables our faith to be powerful enough for life unto Salvation?
God is the same before and after the Creation, he is the creator and upholder of all things 
    - unwavering faith
God is unchangeable 
    - faith is unshaken confidence
God is truth and cannot lie
    - power to the minds of men to exercise faith in him
God is merciful, gracious, slow to anger, long-suffering and full of goodness, forgiving disposition and does forgive
    - exceedingly strong faith
God is love
    - just grounds to exercise faith in God so as to obtain eternal life.
God is no respecter of persons
    - authority by faith to lay hold on eternal life 

·         P. 126 PMG – Go through questions on faith and answer from the heart
o   What did you learn about your current faith?
o   How does your faith need to grow?

·         Begin having consecrated prayers to the Lord….(2 Ne 32:8-9_
o   Have a morning Prayer
§  Pray over every detail in the day and ask God to consecrate it
o   Have an evening prayer
§  Account for the day
·         What did you learn?
·         How did you see the Lord’s hand?
·         What will change tomorrow?

Promised Blessings:
- When you feel great about your missionaries it's because you are on their level, if being here is what gives you your spiritual boost for the day, you are spiritually deficient.  You should be feeling sorrow for your missionaries lack of study, your demeanor should say rise up!  Be somebody!  you should have agony of soul over them.
- As you do this you will feel an increase in faith and hope which will increase your faith in who you are and how God is.
- Your will increase in confidence in all areas of your life.
- Power will come into your life and teaching 

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