Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 14, 2014- Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses

Weekly Training Meeting
August 14, 2014

To Complete: Complete the Journaling/Reflections below and email Lisanne about what you learned.

Must have for this training:
  • Journal
  • Notes taken this summer
  • Goals (past-summer, future-fall)
  • Scriptures

  • Schedule Exit interviews if you are leaving
  • Sign up to watch Lisanne teach a district- you will get an email about it
  • We are changing the afternoon time of training so look for the email of the new time
  • First few weeks of fall semester make sure to sign up for a desk meeting with Lisanne
  • Area Party- August 19th at 6:00pm at Rock Canyon Park (East Pavilion)

Reflect On What You Have Learned From The Summer

  • Go to Journals and think of 2 questions to ask yourself to help you evaluate how you’ve used your time this summer. Write them at the top of your paper.
  • Example: What roles has God played in my summer?
  • Spend 20 minutes journaling about those questions. Anything you think about them and if you come up with more questions be sure to write them down. This is a free 20 minutes to journal about this, use your scriptures, goals, notes and anything else you would like.

Reflections on the Summer and what you learned about writing: 
(Class Insight)
  • It was interesting how the spirit worked with me while I was writing. All of the good things I wrote down that I did, I felt as if I could have done better. The Spirit taught me so much I could have done as I wrote. It drove me to repent.
  • This summer was tough for me. As I wrote God helped me to remember blessings that have come to be, good people, and the strength of the Spirit.
  • I felt humbled. The thought came that my life is out of my control and I should let go and let God do his thing with it.
  • I saw how God answers prayers.
  • God remembers my goals. He used them and taught me by them. God gives according to desires.
  • I failed at all my goals. But the Lord still did something with me. He helped me to form other goals and see things as they really are.
  • This summer was about me needing being proactive. I had a lack of progress in this area.
  • It made me ask myself, what do I care about? what don’t I care about? where do my actions need to be? I am able to be more honest with myself.
  • Helped me to understand how kind God is. He showed me the things that I have grown on as opposed to only the things I haven’t. 
  • God loves those who I love. He is aware of everyone. He does more for me than I am aware of.
  • I saw the power of goals. 
  • I learned the power of choice. I don’t need outside things to dictate my actions and how I feel. I can choose to feel happy no matter what is going on around me.

Does anyone see any patterns?
(Class Insight)
  • It’s beneficial to reflect
  • Planning- it’s important to plan even in our prayers
  • Journaling helps us to see the hand of God
  • We need to be agents
  • Reflection and growth are correlated
  • It helps us to be in touch with reality and what will be helping us with our Eternal Lives
  • We receive what we are willing to receive
  • Making a journal more of a reflection of the day as opposed to just writing down what I did can be very beneficial
  • God’s Love
  • I write the feelings of my heart in my journal and see how my feelings change
  • If Nephi and Lehi were commanded to write their experiences down and then they were used as scriptures. They wrote as patriarchs writing in my journal as a “future patriarch” helped me to express things that I would want my future kids to know.- Generational writing

How much better would we understand the conversion process if we could actually see it in our lives- Journaling

Think of all that you have reflected on and what you just learned

9 Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.

10 And again, believe that ye must repent of your sins and forsake them, and humble yourselves before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would forgive you; and now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them.

11 And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel.

12 And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.

-Mosiah 4:9-10

Wherefore What:
10 minutes to reflect in your journal again

Examples of things to reflect on:
    • setting goals
    • how can I have this experience on a daily basis?
    • how can I make these verses a reality in my life?

What are you receiving?
(Class Insight)
  • Journaling keeps me from going to bed mad. You feel more at peace with God.
  • Through the process of reflection I have received answers. God is personal with me and willing to answer questions.
  • Vulnerability
  • Reflecting on my past helps me to see how I can move forward.
  • Reflecting helps give me clarity of where I am and questions/things I need to study later
  • It has helped me to receive motivation. God helps answer my prayers. Truth reflects upon our senses.. as we reflect.
  • Writing is a commandment.
  • God helps us change and know what to write… even if we think we are bad at it.
  • Writing in my journal gives me hope, strength, and remembrance. 

Review the things you have written down today. Work on being an agent. Be open and ready for next semester. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 7, 2014- Book of Mormon Practice Review

Weekly Training Meeting
August 7, 2014

To Complete Assignment: Practice with another teacher or zone coordinator for at least an hour and write me an email about what was learned, what will change in your personal study, what will be implemented into the classroom.

Practice with the Book of Mormon 

- stop complaining about chairs 
- culture - remember why we are here...It's great that we are close, but remember to focus on missionaries 
- If you are leaving - get subs until Sept. 2 
-if you haven't told me when you are leaving, tell me, have an exit interview. 
- Next week will be last training - focus on journal writing and remembering this semester and preparing for future. 
- schedule 5 morning afternoon schedule
- picking up district 
- area party

- select 3 curriculum items you teach 
    - discover a way you can teach that item - leading the missionaries to their purpose through the Book of Mormon
- practice doing it with that partner
- goal: was the purpose fulfilled?

- introduce BoM to investigator as last principle in lesson 1...
    - 5 min, 4 min, 3 min - cut the crap more each time
- 2 min - Eval using same questions in book from pg. 28

BIG PICTURE FOR THE CLASSROOM - Missionaries and investigators (10-15 min) 
PRACTICE: (5-7 min)
- introduce someone to the concepts of what needs to occur in the Book of Mormon reads at the MTC
- Plan out progression of activities
- Practice introducing one of the activities - demonstrate 
- goal: pg.103 first paragraph

- Facilitate insights and revelation for your partner (do not tell of concerns beforehand) LDS
1. Passages below or 6 min each...whichever comes first 
- 1 Nephi 1:10
- 1 Nephi 1:11-20 

- Switch Partners 
2. Passages below or 6 min each....whichever comes first 
- Helaman 15:1-8
- Helaman 15:9-17

- Facilitate insights and revelation for your partner (brief background of investigator shared) NM
3. Introduction to the BoM AND Passages below or 10 min each...whichever comes first
- 1 Nephi 1:1-10
- 1 Nephi 1:11-20 

4. Following up on a reading that wasn't done and reading it with them...wherever they are in the BoM 
- Mosiah 16
- Ether 3

- What doctrines were taught? What doctrines were understood?
- How did the BoM speak to you (through the spirit)? How did you speak to it? What changes need to be made here?

- What are you learning about HOW the Book of Mormon combined with the spirit is your most powerful resource in conversion? 

January 31, 2014- Facilitation Insights and Revelation Through the Book of Mormon for Others

Weekly Training Meeting
January 31, 2014

Upon completion of the assignment: Send Lisanne an email detailing what was learned in regards to the evaluation questions. Practices must be done with your zone coordinator.

- Area party success!!
- Send Lisanne reports from last training if you haven't already 
- No mock district, yes workshops in FALL 
- Be aware of all missionaries in area and help them with a culture of righteousness 

- Journal writing...what does it have to do with the other 3 invitations?

- "We must sit back and let the Book of Mormon speak to us, instead of us to it." 
- "A man would get nearer to God by abiding by it's precepts, than by any other book" 
  - precept: a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought
         - pg.19 PMG - True Doctrine Understood...

- Facilitate insights and revelation for your partner (do not tell of concerns beforehand) 
1. Passages below or 6 min each...whichever comes first 
- 1 Nephi 1:10- person A
- 1 Nephi 1:11-20- person B

1. Facilitate insights and revelation for your partner (brief background of investigator shared) - missionary/investigator
2. Following up on a reading that wasn't done and reading it with them...wherever they are in the Book of Mormon 
- Mosiah 16 - missionary A facilitates
- Ether 3 - missionary B facilitates 

- What doctrines were taught? What doctrines were understood?
- How did the Book of Mormon speak to you (through the spirit)? How did you speak to it? What changes need to be made here?
- What are you learning about HOW the Book of Mormon combined with the spirit is your most powerful resource in conversion? 


- What was learned?

January 24, 2014- Pioneer Day!

Teachers of the Most Celestial Realm,

As you remember from weekly training last week, there will be weekly training but NOT during the normal times on Thursday as it is Pioneer Day!  Make sure you go see a parade or something to celebrate our heritage!

Announcements you need to be aware of:
·         Remember when you request a sub and sign the sub log, it is NOT valid until it has been approved by me.
·         AREA PARTY – Tuesday July 29th  at 6:30pm (a flier will come out shortly)

·         Lessons in Ch. 3 across the Classroom and Zone Resource Shifts
·         Understand the role the Zone Resource Shift and Classroom shifts play in helping missionaries understand the Lessons in ch. 3 of PMG.
·         Observe at least 90 min of the Lessons in Ch. 3 outline that you DO NOT TEACH
o   Classroom teachers – You should observe an evening Zone Resource shift of Doctrinal study and Daily Planning (if possible)
o   Zone Resource Teachers – You will observe a morning or afternoon classroom shift of Lessons in Ch. 3
·         You must have this completed by July 31 (The following Thursday when weekly training resumes)
·         To complete this assignment you must send me a 2-4 paragraph email with what was learned in regards to the suggested questions
Questions to Ponder:
·         What role does the Zone Resource teacher have in introducing the missionaries to each Lesson and beginning an understanding of the objective in the Lessons in Ch. 3 outline?
o   Hint: the first half of the objective is completed by the ZRT “Help Missionaries learn the lessons in Ch. 3…”
·         What role does the Classroom Teacher have in deepening the missionaries understanding of each lesson and completing the objective in the lessons in Ch. 3 outline?
o   Hint: “…and that teaching the doctrine by the Spirit will help meet the needs of investigators.”
o   Hint: This doesn’t mean the classroom teacher only teaches half the outline, the classroom teacher still teaches the whole outline.
·         How can you better prepare missionaries for the next shift when doctrine will be learned?
·         How can you better follow up with missionaries about what doctrine was learned in the last shift?
·         How do we help missionaries have more spiritual experiences with the doctrine in both the classroom and ZRT shifts?
·         What role does the Plan, Study, Teach Cycle play in learning doctrine for the missionaries?
·         What needs to be improved for missionaries to have a more productive Daily Planning Session?
·         How do your teacher log entries need to improve to better communicate between classroom teacher and ZRT to help missionaries have a more fluid experience at the MTC?
·         Anything else that you feel would be great to understand or learn about how we can more effectively help missionaries learn the lessons in Ch. 3?

Teachers! I am so excited for you to do this! Please let me know if you have any questions about this!  I will miss seeing you all this week!  Have a great week I am looking forward to seeing you! Remember weekly training resumes July 31.

Thank you for all that you do!  You are most wonderful!