Saturday, August 9, 2014

January 24, 2014- Pioneer Day!

Teachers of the Most Celestial Realm,

As you remember from weekly training last week, there will be weekly training but NOT during the normal times on Thursday as it is Pioneer Day!  Make sure you go see a parade or something to celebrate our heritage!

Announcements you need to be aware of:
·         Remember when you request a sub and sign the sub log, it is NOT valid until it has been approved by me.
·         AREA PARTY – Tuesday July 29th  at 6:30pm (a flier will come out shortly)

·         Lessons in Ch. 3 across the Classroom and Zone Resource Shifts
·         Understand the role the Zone Resource Shift and Classroom shifts play in helping missionaries understand the Lessons in ch. 3 of PMG.
·         Observe at least 90 min of the Lessons in Ch. 3 outline that you DO NOT TEACH
o   Classroom teachers – You should observe an evening Zone Resource shift of Doctrinal study and Daily Planning (if possible)
o   Zone Resource Teachers – You will observe a morning or afternoon classroom shift of Lessons in Ch. 3
·         You must have this completed by July 31 (The following Thursday when weekly training resumes)
·         To complete this assignment you must send me a 2-4 paragraph email with what was learned in regards to the suggested questions
Questions to Ponder:
·         What role does the Zone Resource teacher have in introducing the missionaries to each Lesson and beginning an understanding of the objective in the Lessons in Ch. 3 outline?
o   Hint: the first half of the objective is completed by the ZRT “Help Missionaries learn the lessons in Ch. 3…”
·         What role does the Classroom Teacher have in deepening the missionaries understanding of each lesson and completing the objective in the lessons in Ch. 3 outline?
o   Hint: “…and that teaching the doctrine by the Spirit will help meet the needs of investigators.”
o   Hint: This doesn’t mean the classroom teacher only teaches half the outline, the classroom teacher still teaches the whole outline.
·         How can you better prepare missionaries for the next shift when doctrine will be learned?
·         How can you better follow up with missionaries about what doctrine was learned in the last shift?
·         How do we help missionaries have more spiritual experiences with the doctrine in both the classroom and ZRT shifts?
·         What role does the Plan, Study, Teach Cycle play in learning doctrine for the missionaries?
·         What needs to be improved for missionaries to have a more productive Daily Planning Session?
·         How do your teacher log entries need to improve to better communicate between classroom teacher and ZRT to help missionaries have a more fluid experience at the MTC?
·         Anything else that you feel would be great to understand or learn about how we can more effectively help missionaries learn the lessons in Ch. 3?

Teachers! I am so excited for you to do this! Please let me know if you have any questions about this!  I will miss seeing you all this week!  Have a great week I am looking forward to seeing you! Remember weekly training resumes July 31.

Thank you for all that you do!  You are most wonderful!

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