Saturday, August 9, 2014

January 31, 2014- Facilitation Insights and Revelation Through the Book of Mormon for Others

Weekly Training Meeting
January 31, 2014

Upon completion of the assignment: Send Lisanne an email detailing what was learned in regards to the evaluation questions. Practices must be done with your zone coordinator.

- Area party success!!
- Send Lisanne reports from last training if you haven't already 
- No mock district, yes workshops in FALL 
- Be aware of all missionaries in area and help them with a culture of righteousness 

- Journal writing...what does it have to do with the other 3 invitations?

- "We must sit back and let the Book of Mormon speak to us, instead of us to it." 
- "A man would get nearer to God by abiding by it's precepts, than by any other book" 
  - precept: a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought
         - pg.19 PMG - True Doctrine Understood...

- Facilitate insights and revelation for your partner (do not tell of concerns beforehand) 
1. Passages below or 6 min each...whichever comes first 
- 1 Nephi 1:10- person A
- 1 Nephi 1:11-20- person B

1. Facilitate insights and revelation for your partner (brief background of investigator shared) - missionary/investigator
2. Following up on a reading that wasn't done and reading it with them...wherever they are in the Book of Mormon 
- Mosiah 16 - missionary A facilitates
- Ether 3 - missionary B facilitates 

- What doctrines were taught? What doctrines were understood?
- How did the Book of Mormon speak to you (through the spirit)? How did you speak to it? What changes need to be made here?
- What are you learning about HOW the Book of Mormon combined with the spirit is your most powerful resource in conversion? 


- What was learned?

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