Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 12, 2014-

Weekly Training Meeting
November 12, 2014

To Complete Assignment: Write Lisanne an email about what you learned from the study below. Write a follow-up email about how your prayers are changing.

  • Positions opening at the MTC— you should apply if you want! 
  • Tuesday before Thanksgiving is Friday BYU classes— get a sub if you need to
  • infield and pday are flopping for thanksgiving week
  • the holiday google doc for thanksgiving need to be done by Friday, November 14th
  • christmas subs need to be done by Dec 1
  • If you are leaving before the end of the semester and will be gone next semester you are responsible for subs until Jan 5
  • Fill out the awards list and fill it out

Group Thinking:
How does God answer prayers?
Which do you struggle with most?

prerequisites necessary to ask the right questions


attitude and desires necessary to trust or help answers to come

Why is it difficult for you? Figure out where you at and why it’s difficult for you.

BD: Prayer

“Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other. The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them. Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them. Prayer is a form of work and is an appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings.”

Think if this happens 100% all the time or 5% of the time. 
Do I receive blessings God is willing to grant because of my asking?
Do I recognize the answers given?

Study stories to consider what others learned about the preparation and work necessary before and after prayers are given. 
Enos 1- Enos
Mosiah 21:13-15- Limhi’s people
Mosiah 26:13-33- Alma
Alma 20-22- King Lamoni’s Father
Ether 2-3- Brother of Jared
John 17- Jesus Christ
2 Nephi 4- Nephi
1 Nephi 11- Nephi
1 Nephi 17-18- Nephi
Find your own

Chart- Questions Answers                        God                                Me

  • Practice questions in prayer with proper prepositions
  • Consider what you have asked for in the last week…
  • What needs to change in terms of having active faith
  • Prepare for the preparation you need to have for a prayer this week

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