Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15, 2015- Progressing Investigator

Weekly Training Meeting
January 15, 2014

To Complete Assignment: after going through the activities ask another teacher what they took away from the training.  Then write an email to Lisanne Murphy with what you learned and one thing you will try in progressing investigator in the near future. 

  • Get your schedule into work scheduler!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!
  • Fill out the Spring/Summer Projection Sheet- I want to know if you will be here!!! 
  • Weekly Training Next Week- On Tuesday, January 20th, Daryl will be giving a training in 1M-B133 at 10:00am, 2:00pm and 5:00pm. Please attend ONE of these meetings!!! It will take place of our Thursday training. 
  • HR policy-you can no longer do anything online
  • Make sure you are using the pamphlets in every situation possible. 

Training Meeting with Daryl- TODAY!!!

How would you like your missionaries to come to class to just learn?
Recognize the shortcomings that they have…
To want to come to class and study…

How can we make this happen?

Pg. 4 in the blue book under Teach- The MTC provides…
What stands out to you in that paragraph?
Progressing Investigator: Teaching Progressing Investigators is the core of..

Pg. 50- Objective: Help missionaries understand the relationship between God and the investigator, and the missionaries’ role in helping investigators strengthen that relationship. 

Draw the objective of this activity
Share your drawing and explain the objective you have drawn

The emphasis in this activity is in the right side of the triangle.. the relationship between the investigator and God

Read and think over the case studies while keeping that objective in mind

Case Study:
The missionaries are not asking inspired questions, so I won’t say anything unless they ask me good open-ended questions. 

*In this scenario, what role is the teacher playing?

Case Study:
  • My missionaries are not helping me to read the Book of Mormon, so in the visit I plan to ask them questions that will help them point me to the Book of Mormon
  • In week one I will be an easier investigator for my missionaries, but as they get closer to the end of their stay will I get progressively more challenging 
  • My investigator didn’t know that the gospel was true until Moroni 10:3-5 was shared, so I will not be receptive until that scripture is shared

How is the teacher responding and why?
They are acting as a teacher trying to teach their missionaries.. wouldn’t an investigator always act like an investigator? Would they have these thoughts?

In the objective given it tells us to be GENUINE and AUTHENTIC
What can you do to be a PI who is genuine and authentic?

Group Activity:
  • Teach the person next to you- like a new missionary would
  • As the investigator- be open enough to give the missionary what they need but still be the investigator.. be authentic with your feelings and let the missionary see your true feelings as the investigator

While learning as the PI you need to be transparent/vulnerable
Help the missionary see the relationship that is developing between you and God
Help them feel like they want to be with you, be lovable, compelling

What is the purpose of the activity?
By doing these things as a PI we are helping the missionaries see the relationship that is developing between God and the investigator

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