Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 2015- Confessions of a Flipped Classroom

To Complete Assignment: Send Lisanne 2 lesson plans for how to create an engaging study for the missionaries. 

  • Is anything cool happening in your life? Tell us about it. 
  • Next week’s weekly training will be the last of the semester- we will be talking about General Conference prep. bring anything you you want involving that to next training
  • Lisanne is leaving!!! for vacation from April 3rd until April 13th. Try to have as little blue sheets as possible!
  • There is NO CLASS on General Conference Saturday. 
  • Saturday- Frisbee… Talk to Kevin about it. 

How have you used the Manner of Happiness website this week? How has what we learned last week in training changed your studies? 

Confessions of Flipped Classroom

Expand learning and understanding of what flipped classrooms are. We may not come up with a solution, but the key is that we are thinking and wanting to make a change. 

What are things that we have learned that we don’t like or need to work on as we are trying to flip the classroom:
  • Practices not used as learning experiences
  • Not simple - simplicity is difficult
  • lacking faith in practices
  • coaching is hard
  • Time management 
  • Autonomy by the missionaries- desire and tools needed are hard to help them with
  • Missionary/Teacher evaluation struggles
  • Understanding in depth what we do
  • We teach too much
  • Lack of effect on PI—PI isn’t changing but the frustration with it is increasing
  • Missionaries struggle to be investigators
  • We are forced to focus on people which we have learned is tougher than focusing on lessons
  • Missionaries don’t study well
  • I like what “doesn’t work” or what’s “easy” (the old way)

We haven’t really flipped anything. We only changed the schedule!
It’s time to flip the classroom. 

Flipped Classrooms- What are they?

YouTube Video- write down any insights you have on what a flipped classroom actually is. 
(showing the differences between a traditional and a flipped classroom)

Different levels of learning

Basic knowledge box- has the vocabulary and facts that you are asking of them 
we don’t want only that from he missionaries we also want an
Understanding box- practices will com into this box, faith building experiences
Intelligent box- learned what they need to know

When missionaries don’t have basic knowledge then they can’t move on to understanding

What needs to happen for teacher/missionaries in order for everyone to move from he knowledge box to the understanding box.
     Teachers need to master the blue book. Missionaries need to know PMG.

  • The video showed how in a flipped classroom the students became agents
  • We walk around the classroom because we want to listen to the missionaries, but they should be coming to us to ask
  • Not enough preparation
  • Communication between teachers/resources/missionaries needs to be better
  • Our expectations may be to broad for the missionaries
  • Being an audio learner I see other audio learners getting ignored in this situation
  • Is knowledge only gained through reading or hearing… isn’t it gained through practice?- it is but it may be more difficult without something else attached to it
  • How can we speed up their learning?
  • For study to occur desire must be present in the learner and they must be engaged
  • PI or TRC is the basis of desire. Sometimes we ignore that because they tell us about it and it doesn’t involve the lesson that way so we say we will get to it.

What are points of desire for the missionaries:
  • their personal conversion- personal reason for being there
  • TRC and PI
  • where there is vision there is desire
  • see a need for help
  • discovering the doctrine

YouTube Video
What do you notice that he says?
Online lectures. Writing things not the board isn’t helping! 
What can we do to have a flipped classroom the way it should be?

We need to engage the missionaries and capitalize on their desires

Pick one fundamental and try something different- 30 minute engaging study. Create it. 

Be creative in your thoughts. Anything that you want to try out ask Lisanne before you try it. 

Ted Talk ending

What is it going to take to stop doing things as we have always done to stop getting what we have always gotten.

Continue thinking and creating! Don’t forget to write it down!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 19, 2015- True Study

To Complete Assignment:Email Lisanne including two insights about what study is, two insights about what you learned as you studied page 78, and send Lisanne a lesson plan of a practice of what you learned. 

  • Jason Hoyt Scholarship applications are due tomorrow!!
  • Dedicated floating plans- Get some!
  • Sign-Ups will hopefully be out on Monday
  • New TRC Orientation has been created on the first Friday… Tell your missionaries to go
  • Conference weekend on Saturday there are NO teaching shifts- all Saturday lessons get pushed to Monday. FOR ALL SHIFTS. 

How did you use The Manner of Happiness principles or website this week?

What does it mean to study?
  • To read gospel stuff
  • To Ponder!
  • Put forth work/effort to obtain knowledge/understanding
  • Talking with God
  • To receive revelation from God that you act on
  • To make something a part of you (via reputation)
  • A detailed analysis or investigation of a subject!
  • To sacrifice what you know before to obtain better truth
  • To obtain the word
  • To demonstrate and exercise the faith God has given us, so that he can give us more
  • Sitting at my desk reading a book
  • a way to facilitate revelation from God
  • Search! Ponder!
  • The price of understanding
  • To dive deeper
  • Building skills/knowledge 
  • Painstaking application
  • Purpose, intent
  • To devote oneself to
  • Cultivating a branch of knowledge 

How is your paradigm changing as you read these definitions?

If we understand what study really is then we should understand the flipped classroom experience better.

PMG pg. 17- Effective Study -replace study with one of the phrases above

On pg 17-19- until study and teach the lessons, don’t read that part
any time you see the word study replace it with on of these statements or with the word experience

What are you learning?
  • Life here at the MTC is constant study.
  • Studying=A state of being… no a strict activity. Broken heart and contrite spirit coming to God rather than checking a box that you did it. There shouldn’t be a line between study and practice, it’s a state of mind not an activity. 
  • Continuing process of study in everything you do each day
  • You need to develop a habit of demonstrating and exercising faith. Demonstrate faith while studying.
  • Experience helps us to build faith and study. Learn by doing.
  • Practice is study

Go to:
Blue book pg. 78
These principles pertain to demonstrations and reading time. 
Coordinate/Compare these with Elder Bednar’s principles
     Prepare to Learn
     Interact to Edify
     Invite to Act

Personal Activity:
Continuing on the same page… Go through and star the ones that you are a ninja at and circle the ones that need some work

What are you learning about effective study?
What are you learning about flipped classrooms?

Plan a practice or study active that implements pg. 78 and Elder Bednar’s trifecta.
     Write out the parts where you have circled the struggle spots. 

Insights you’ve gained
Studies or practices that lack the objective are pointless (objectiveless)
My prep needs to be different

Come up with your own as always.
Try to make every experience that the missionary has as true study. Everything becomes a study because it is a state of mind. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015- The Manner of Happiness

Weekly Training Meeting
March, 12, 2015

To Complete Assignment: After reviewing the website, send a draft of your life mission if you would like to share or 2 ideas of how this can help your life to Lisanne. 

Apply for the John Hoyt Scholarship if you qualify!
Assignments hopefully coming out next week… be ready for an email and to read the instructions!!

What is a life mission?

  • Vision of specific principles that you choose to live by.
  • An understanding of God’s vision.
  • What you need to become or how to get there.
  • Something you are trying to become and achieve int his life. 
  • Road map towards what you want to accomplish is life and who you want to become.
  • Vision and direction… it’s the view and the path.

How can we turn our bikes around?

Life Missions are super exciting to start and DIFFICULT to continue.. how can we create it and not only have it be exciting but have it stick!

Go to Sean’s life mission website- The Manner of Happiness

This website was built to be used with a coach, someone who has used it before and can help you to get to know it and start on it.

Please contact one of the coaches to get started. 

Lisanne Murphy
Sean Rockwood
Ben Jones
Kaeley Haws
Kate Merriman
Fabrizio Cena
Darren Gleason
Brady Schvaneveldt

This is built for you- It’s to help you create your life mission, develop it, refine it, keep it. 

Make a plan for how you are going to use this. If you don’t want to use it then let us know why. Give feedback on the page. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, 2015- The Lord is Hastening His Work... Are We Keeping Up?

Weekly Training Meeting
March 5, 2015

To Complete Assignment: In order to do this training you will need to contact Lisanne or Sally to come in some time and read the talk by Elder Bednar explained below. Lisanne would like for you to do this in a group if possible. When finished, pick 3 of the questions to answer and one thing you will start doing differently in an email and send it to Lisanne. 

  • Flipped Classrooms- everyone is flipped excepted zone 26.. they will flip when they pick up
  • Assignments for next semester!!- Lisanne needs to know your needs and what your plans are
  • New Training Coordinator position is open until the 8th
  • Floating is going to increase! Make sure you have plans for that- be proactive!! Also, starting March 11th Daryl will be doing a training for floating teachers. Look out for an email about it.
  • Training Coordinators will also be teaching a block almost every day… again wait for an email
  • Has anyone here served in an iPad mission? Talk to Lisanne
  • Let Lisanne know if you are interesting in blended learning

How did you use pamphlets this week?
How did you improve on your covenants?

Elder Bednar’s Talk- given at mission president seminar last year.
You must get this from Lisanne (it is not to leave the MTC)
Everything that the MTC is talking about right now is centered around this talk

What’s he talking about-
  • Hastening
  • God’s work not ours
  • We need to keep up
  • God does the hastening
  • This is his work, his investigators, his missionaries, his children
  • We need to change to keep up

  • More missionaries
  • Quality of incoming missionaries
  • Meet the Mormons
  • ISIS
  • Technology (iPads…)
  • More Missions
  • Come follow me curriculum 
  • Family History Focus
  • Attack on Pornography
  • Media
  • Both sides of veil
  • Bar raised
  • Age Change
  • Every member a missionary
  • Adversity prominent
  • Preach My Gospel

How are we doing?
     Not that great- we aren’t participating in much of it
     our jobs help us to stay more current with these things.. meaning we should be more proactive and expand our influence to others
     How can I understand my role? What does it look like to keep pace?
     We aren’t in shape to keep up with it but we’re trying

Lisanne’s Graphs- Missionaries and Convert Baptisms (ask Lisanne to see this)
1988 Pres. Benson Flooding the Earth with the Book of Mormon

What do you see in the graphs?
  • Number of missionaries and baptisms don’t relate too much
  • Wards not using their missionaries properly
  • Lots of new missionaries, quality of training may have suffered. Blind leading the Blind.
  • In a way we are starting over.. we are in a preparatory state
  • President Benson's talk was more about converting missionaries as opposed to gaining baptisms

Lissy- Blind are leading the blind, a lot of prep for them to change culture, I’ve never sat in GC listening to the numbers and felt accountable for it. We have almost doubled our missionaries but not our baptisms.

How would it be if you felt accountable for those numbers?
What impact would that make on you and how you are teaching? 

How do we keep up? Will we keep pace?

Questions to Consider:
  • What is it going to take to keep the pace?
  • How can we maximize a flipped classroom to do things differently?
  • How do you personally need to change?
  • How did E. Bednar demonstrate his pattern?
    • Prepare to learn
    • Interact to Edify
    • Invite to Act
  • What are you learning about the purpose?
  • How is the Lord hastening the work in your life?
    • Are you keeping up?

What are you thoughts? 
  • The pattern that we follow is the Christlike patterns… he has many different patterns and it is up to us in the moment to decide which pattern to use
  • Additional improvement is not and will ever be needed. Constantly adapting.
  • My life is separated into different categories and I need to apply things and mesh everything together
  • I’m a little disconnected, and my invitations I have been taking on are not what they should be. I need to invite missionaries to do things as if they were an investigator.
  • If I’m not supposed to use what I learned to help teach them then what should I be teaching them
    • What we know is more of reservoir.. we need to leak out little bits to the missionaries.

Make this a matter of personal ponderence and thought? How are you personally going to keep the pace? Think about Prepare to Learn, Interact to Edify, and Invite to Act.