Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 19, 2015- True Study

To Complete Assignment:Email Lisanne including two insights about what study is, two insights about what you learned as you studied page 78, and send Lisanne a lesson plan of a practice of what you learned. 

  • Jason Hoyt Scholarship applications are due tomorrow!!
  • Dedicated floating plans- Get some!
  • Sign-Ups will hopefully be out on Monday
  • New TRC Orientation has been created on the first Friday… Tell your missionaries to go
  • Conference weekend on Saturday there are NO teaching shifts- all Saturday lessons get pushed to Monday. FOR ALL SHIFTS. 

How did you use The Manner of Happiness principles or website this week?

What does it mean to study?
  • To read gospel stuff
  • To Ponder!
  • Put forth work/effort to obtain knowledge/understanding
  • Talking with God
  • To receive revelation from God that you act on
  • To make something a part of you (via reputation)
  • A detailed analysis or investigation of a subject!
  • To sacrifice what you know before to obtain better truth
  • To obtain the word
  • To demonstrate and exercise the faith God has given us, so that he can give us more
  • Sitting at my desk reading a book
  • a way to facilitate revelation from God
  • Search! Ponder!
  • The price of understanding
  • To dive deeper
  • Building skills/knowledge 
  • Painstaking application
  • Purpose, intent
  • To devote oneself to
  • Cultivating a branch of knowledge 

How is your paradigm changing as you read these definitions?

If we understand what study really is then we should understand the flipped classroom experience better.

PMG pg. 17- Effective Study -replace study with one of the phrases above

On pg 17-19- until study and teach the lessons, don’t read that part
any time you see the word study replace it with on of these statements or with the word experience

What are you learning?
  • Life here at the MTC is constant study.
  • Studying=A state of being… no a strict activity. Broken heart and contrite spirit coming to God rather than checking a box that you did it. There shouldn’t be a line between study and practice, it’s a state of mind not an activity. 
  • Continuing process of study in everything you do each day
  • You need to develop a habit of demonstrating and exercising faith. Demonstrate faith while studying.
  • Experience helps us to build faith and study. Learn by doing.
  • Practice is study

Go to:
Blue book pg. 78
These principles pertain to demonstrations and reading time. 
Coordinate/Compare these with Elder Bednar’s principles
     Prepare to Learn
     Interact to Edify
     Invite to Act

Personal Activity:
Continuing on the same page… Go through and star the ones that you are a ninja at and circle the ones that need some work

What are you learning about effective study?
What are you learning about flipped classrooms?

Plan a practice or study active that implements pg. 78 and Elder Bednar’s trifecta.
     Write out the parts where you have circled the struggle spots. 

Insights you’ve gained
Studies or practices that lack the objective are pointless (objectiveless)
My prep needs to be different

Come up with your own as always.
Try to make every experience that the missionary has as true study. Everything becomes a study because it is a state of mind. 

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