Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, 2015- The Lord is Hastening His Work... Are We Keeping Up?

Weekly Training Meeting
March 5, 2015

To Complete Assignment: In order to do this training you will need to contact Lisanne or Sally to come in some time and read the talk by Elder Bednar explained below. Lisanne would like for you to do this in a group if possible. When finished, pick 3 of the questions to answer and one thing you will start doing differently in an email and send it to Lisanne. 

  • Flipped Classrooms- everyone is flipped excepted zone 26.. they will flip when they pick up
  • Assignments for next semester!!- Lisanne needs to know your needs and what your plans are
  • New Training Coordinator position is open until the 8th
  • Floating is going to increase! Make sure you have plans for that- be proactive!! Also, starting March 11th Daryl will be doing a training for floating teachers. Look out for an email about it.
  • Training Coordinators will also be teaching a block almost every day… again wait for an email
  • Has anyone here served in an iPad mission? Talk to Lisanne
  • Let Lisanne know if you are interesting in blended learning

How did you use pamphlets this week?
How did you improve on your covenants?

Elder Bednar’s Talk- given at mission president seminar last year.
You must get this from Lisanne (it is not to leave the MTC)
Everything that the MTC is talking about right now is centered around this talk

What’s he talking about-
  • Hastening
  • God’s work not ours
  • We need to keep up
  • God does the hastening
  • This is his work, his investigators, his missionaries, his children
  • We need to change to keep up

  • More missionaries
  • Quality of incoming missionaries
  • Meet the Mormons
  • ISIS
  • Technology (iPads…)
  • More Missions
  • Come follow me curriculum 
  • Family History Focus
  • Attack on Pornography
  • Media
  • Both sides of veil
  • Bar raised
  • Age Change
  • Every member a missionary
  • Adversity prominent
  • Preach My Gospel

How are we doing?
     Not that great- we aren’t participating in much of it
     our jobs help us to stay more current with these things.. meaning we should be more proactive and expand our influence to others
     How can I understand my role? What does it look like to keep pace?
     We aren’t in shape to keep up with it but we’re trying

Lisanne’s Graphs- Missionaries and Convert Baptisms (ask Lisanne to see this)
1988 Pres. Benson Flooding the Earth with the Book of Mormon

What do you see in the graphs?
  • Number of missionaries and baptisms don’t relate too much
  • Wards not using their missionaries properly
  • Lots of new missionaries, quality of training may have suffered. Blind leading the Blind.
  • In a way we are starting over.. we are in a preparatory state
  • President Benson's talk was more about converting missionaries as opposed to gaining baptisms

Lissy- Blind are leading the blind, a lot of prep for them to change culture, I’ve never sat in GC listening to the numbers and felt accountable for it. We have almost doubled our missionaries but not our baptisms.

How would it be if you felt accountable for those numbers?
What impact would that make on you and how you are teaching? 

How do we keep up? Will we keep pace?

Questions to Consider:
  • What is it going to take to keep the pace?
  • How can we maximize a flipped classroom to do things differently?
  • How do you personally need to change?
  • How did E. Bednar demonstrate his pattern?
    • Prepare to learn
    • Interact to Edify
    • Invite to Act
  • What are you learning about the purpose?
  • How is the Lord hastening the work in your life?
    • Are you keeping up?

What are you thoughts? 
  • The pattern that we follow is the Christlike patterns… he has many different patterns and it is up to us in the moment to decide which pattern to use
  • Additional improvement is not and will ever be needed. Constantly adapting.
  • My life is separated into different categories and I need to apply things and mesh everything together
  • I’m a little disconnected, and my invitations I have been taking on are not what they should be. I need to invite missionaries to do things as if they were an investigator.
  • If I’m not supposed to use what I learned to help teach them then what should I be teaching them
    • What we know is more of reservoir.. we need to leak out little bits to the missionaries.

Make this a matter of personal ponderence and thought? How are you personally going to keep the pace? Think about Prepare to Learn, Interact to Edify, and Invite to Act. 

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