Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 22, 2015- Resurrect Christ in the Classroom

To Complete Assignment:
Email Lisanne and tell her what you learned from the training. 

  • Area Party tomorrow!! Be sure to sign up for something. 
  • 2 Intramural teams- 1 for softball and 1 for Men’s Ultimate Frisbee 
  • Wednesday- Pickup 10:00am-1:45pm
  • July 4th- missionaries are let out of class at 8:00pm
  • MPS- STAY OUT of 1M this week. Dress to impress. Clean up. Wear suits all week. 
  • Missionaries are still getting lost a pick up. Each zone should be figuring out how to direct missionaries to their classrooms.

I’m a Disciple
  • Kate- I know a lot more than I understand in my life. My faith with christ is similar, shared Elder Oaks quote. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ because faith is a choice and I choose to be.
  • Michael A.- It’s part of my personality to be impatient with myself, I love how the Savior is perfect patient with me. He works with me and helps me get better day by day.

Group Activity:
  • Romans 1-4
  • Discuss historical context
  • Discuss writer’s intent
  • Draw personal conclusions based on above discuss about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • How many drops were spilled for me?

1. Write on the board the answer to the questions there. (question: How do we need to make Christ more central in our classroom?)
2. With a practice partner at your table, pick on you want to try.
3. Prep together- Each practice. 
4. Evaluate- What effect will center on Christ have on Missionary/Investigator conversion?
5. Set goals and make plans to teach. 

Board Question:
  • How do we need to make Christ more central in our classroom?
  • Use Christ examples from the New Testament in explain portions
  • Take more obscure words and define them specifically referencing the Savior
  • Be Christlike yourself, in and out of the classroom
  • Focus on the role Jesus Christ plays as we teach in demos
  • During Book of Mormon reads, identify the author/speakers witness of the Savior, testimony of the Atonement, and Christlike behavior
  • Evaluate by using specific references to Jesus Christ and his teachings (from the scriptures)
  • During fundamental DOC helping missionaries recognize their own need for Christ/also investigator’s needs
  • Using BOM reads to personally understand Jesus as an individual; mortal and all
  • Always reference the Doctrine of Christ in terms of the atonement
  • Application portion- How is this going to help us be more like Christ or how can Christ help us accomplish this?
  • Setting up practices where they can teach about Christ using the restoration without blowing their minds
  • Teaching the PST Cycle as a means to use the atonement through the Doctrine of Christ
  • Help missionaries turn to and Relate with the savior as they adjust to missionary life during the stress lesson.
  • Fundamental overview, mentally thinking “How is this helping me and the missionaries to become more like the Savior?” Then mamboing giving the missionaries and yourself to apply the fundamental… i.e. Time for prayer, time to think about the sacrament, etc.
  • MTC overview use all activities to help strengthen faith/love for Christ
  • Answer Missionaries’ questions using examples of the savior rom the scriptures
  • Pre-set the opening hymn for conversion (ex. “as we sing ‘I Believe in Christ’ analyze what you believe. Are you truly singing a prayer unto Heavenly Father?)
  • Revelation through the BOM- Practice using the BOM to help someone understand who Christ is
  • Personal testimony of and conversion to him
  • When discerning or learning about an investigator, ask always “how can the atonement help this person?” “what does christ see in this person?"
  • When helping a struggling missionary help them turn to the savor by reading His teaching from the scriptures… looking for personal revelation

How has your reading of these scriptures impacted how you’ve talked about Christ during this practice?
  • Christ is driven into our heads but the Holy Ghost is the only one who can drive him into out hearts. With this Christ had been coming more and more into my heart.
  • the more you help them conceptualize the atonement you will see them be more motivated

Invitation: Keep the resurrection going… 

June 15, 2015- Making Christ Special Again

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned/insights from the training below.

  • July 4th- Missionaries need to leave your classroom by 8pm for something special happening from the MTC
  • There have been complaints about teachers not letting missionaries go for clinical. BE sure to let the missionaries go to clinical.. it is ok to try and get them to have their appointment not during class time, but let them go if that’s the only appointment they have. 
  • June 24th- if you are picking up that day- PICK UP is 10am-2pm!!! The first presidency message is at 2:00pm and they need to be released at 1:45pm, it will be in 19M. 
  • Dressing appropriately- BE SURE YOU ARE DRESSING according to missionary standards. Whenever you’re in 1M you need to be in missionary attire.

I’m A Disciple
  • Brady- Because- all that he’s given me. I serve him out of love and out of gratitude. I want to be  a disciple because I do love him.
  • MaKaelee- I love him and I know that he love me. Through following him and loving him I feel I have had a greater purpose and peace in my life that I couldn’t find anywhere else. 

What did you learn from the prep?

What are you learning about your natural and fallen state?
  • There is hope. The fall was a huge step to godhood and without it we would never become like God.
  • I was listening to amazing grace and switching the words of the lines. Christ coming here was reversing the song.. he once saw but then was blind. 
  • Alma 5:20- humbling towards the savior. 
  • I’m always in a fallen state and dependent on Christ. Do I live my life that way? Am I too confident in my own abilities?
  • I love the word fallen. In order to fall you have to be somewhere high first. We lived with Heavenly Father and we had to fall in order to climb higher.

We need to take common Jesus and make him uncommon.
We need to make special things special again.

For the rest of the semester we are going to focus on developing our intimate relationship with the Savior. We need to make him more central in everything.

We can’t help the missionaries focus on Christ if we aren’t focused on him.

Group Activity:
  • Watch the Bible Project about Romans 1-4 on youtube, read it, answer the questions. 
  • Romans 1-4
  • Discuss historical context
  • Discuss writer’s intent
  • Draw personal conclusions based on above discuss about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

What are you learning?
  • Don’t put what you read in a box
  • It’s easy to take things and mold them what we want them to be. This helps to understand what the real meaning is.
  • Why would Paul be writing to both groups at the same time? Apostles do that today, they speak to a certain group but it still has meaning for each of us.
  • We should read with the intent to understand what the writer is trying to say 
  • Understanding Paul and his point of view is helping to better understand his intent in the words or scriptures that he uses. 
  • The apostles are teaching us through their experiences
  • He finds his joy in the atonement and it causes his to use his time differently

What do you need to do to improve your own relationship with God?
  • If I do the same things I will get the same result. I need to change up my day to day
  • You can’t doubt Paul’s conversion, which is impressive because he didn’t walk with Christ. Reacquaint myself with mysteries. Maybe not treat my study as a needed boost.. search the mysteries of God instead.
  • Don’t rely so much on past things. Start over each day and ask God what he wants from you TODAY.

May 18, 2015- Why are we here?

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned/insights from the training below. 

  • Fill out the projected termination sheet
  • Area Party this Saturday- 9:00am-Midnight!!! Look for invitations soon!
  • Next week, Monday, Memorial Day- No training Meeting
  • All English Training will be soon.. look out for an email about it
  • Be sure to do the pre-work sent to you for all trainings

Why We’re Here
  • Mary- working with missionaries is amazing.. even when I’m having a bad day the missionaries can uplift me. But the real reason why I am still here is because of all of you. I love my co-workers and watching them grow in the gospel. 
  • Kaeley- The impact that was given to me while I was here helped shape me as a missionary. I wanted to come and make a difference in the lives of missionaries. The MTC came into a time in my life when I need spiritual strength. I love being here and being able to feel the spirit here every day. 

Reflect on last week- How has your view and use of technology change?
What principles guide safeguarded technology use?
If it leads you to Christ- wonderful, if it doesn’t- Stop it
Articles of Faith 13- praiseworthy, uplifting and of good report— we SEEK after those things (align our will with God)
Moroni 7:13 That which inviteth and enticeth to do good and to love God is of God
We must be agents of technology. Our phone is an object. Not us!
Love God/ Love Others (2 great commandments)
Planning and preparation is needful for wise us (Be purpose centered)
Discipleship is central focus— WHO YOU ARE (Be Discipled) 
Involve others (Be One)
Teachable- Humble
Moderation- what does God intend?
Anxiously engaged in a good cause (Be in tune with spiritual promptings)
Best defense is a great offense
Beware of deception
Rely on Atonement to bridle our passions
Accountability to the Lord
Feel comfortable with correction
Keep eye single to glory of God
Heart is our filter
Be in the world, but not of the world
There is a pattern in all things!
Flesh before screens
Avoid distraction
Beware of temptation
People Before Pixels

Review results from the Technology Survey

Discuss thoughts you may have had while we discussed the survey or impressions from the principles we discovered.

Thinking Activity:
Think of one specific example of what it would look like to employ the 4 Safeguard principle (in red above).
After thinking of those think of what it would look like to employ the principles we found (the other stuff above)

Training on applications for US… our ideas for applications are inhibited for our knowledge of what’s out there and available.
For the next two weeks try to use technology more. Experiment with it. Use only that if you can. Figure out how you can use it. 

Video Trainings

There are many video trainings to make up. If you do not see the training day on here that you missed then it is a video you need to watch. Contact me in order to watch.
