Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 22, 2015- Resurrect Christ in the Classroom

To Complete Assignment:
Email Lisanne and tell her what you learned from the training. 

  • Area Party tomorrow!! Be sure to sign up for something. 
  • 2 Intramural teams- 1 for softball and 1 for Men’s Ultimate Frisbee 
  • Wednesday- Pickup 10:00am-1:45pm
  • July 4th- missionaries are let out of class at 8:00pm
  • MPS- STAY OUT of 1M this week. Dress to impress. Clean up. Wear suits all week. 
  • Missionaries are still getting lost a pick up. Each zone should be figuring out how to direct missionaries to their classrooms.

I’m a Disciple
  • Kate- I know a lot more than I understand in my life. My faith with christ is similar, shared Elder Oaks quote. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ because faith is a choice and I choose to be.
  • Michael A.- It’s part of my personality to be impatient with myself, I love how the Savior is perfect patient with me. He works with me and helps me get better day by day.

Group Activity:
  • Romans 1-4
  • Discuss historical context
  • Discuss writer’s intent
  • Draw personal conclusions based on above discuss about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • How many drops were spilled for me?

1. Write on the board the answer to the questions there. (question: How do we need to make Christ more central in our classroom?)
2. With a practice partner at your table, pick on you want to try.
3. Prep together- Each practice. 
4. Evaluate- What effect will center on Christ have on Missionary/Investigator conversion?
5. Set goals and make plans to teach. 

Board Question:
  • How do we need to make Christ more central in our classroom?
  • Use Christ examples from the New Testament in explain portions
  • Take more obscure words and define them specifically referencing the Savior
  • Be Christlike yourself, in and out of the classroom
  • Focus on the role Jesus Christ plays as we teach in demos
  • During Book of Mormon reads, identify the author/speakers witness of the Savior, testimony of the Atonement, and Christlike behavior
  • Evaluate by using specific references to Jesus Christ and his teachings (from the scriptures)
  • During fundamental DOC helping missionaries recognize their own need for Christ/also investigator’s needs
  • Using BOM reads to personally understand Jesus as an individual; mortal and all
  • Always reference the Doctrine of Christ in terms of the atonement
  • Application portion- How is this going to help us be more like Christ or how can Christ help us accomplish this?
  • Setting up practices where they can teach about Christ using the restoration without blowing their minds
  • Teaching the PST Cycle as a means to use the atonement through the Doctrine of Christ
  • Help missionaries turn to and Relate with the savior as they adjust to missionary life during the stress lesson.
  • Fundamental overview, mentally thinking “How is this helping me and the missionaries to become more like the Savior?” Then mamboing giving the missionaries and yourself to apply the fundamental… i.e. Time for prayer, time to think about the sacrament, etc.
  • MTC overview use all activities to help strengthen faith/love for Christ
  • Answer Missionaries’ questions using examples of the savior rom the scriptures
  • Pre-set the opening hymn for conversion (ex. “as we sing ‘I Believe in Christ’ analyze what you believe. Are you truly singing a prayer unto Heavenly Father?)
  • Revelation through the BOM- Practice using the BOM to help someone understand who Christ is
  • Personal testimony of and conversion to him
  • When discerning or learning about an investigator, ask always “how can the atonement help this person?” “what does christ see in this person?"
  • When helping a struggling missionary help them turn to the savor by reading His teaching from the scriptures… looking for personal revelation

How has your reading of these scriptures impacted how you’ve talked about Christ during this practice?
  • Christ is driven into our heads but the Holy Ghost is the only one who can drive him into out hearts. With this Christ had been coming more and more into my heart.
  • the more you help them conceptualize the atonement you will see them be more motivated

Invitation: Keep the resurrection going… 

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