Monday, July 6, 2015

June 29, 2015- Study Groups

 Teachers of the Most Celestial Realm!

I hope that you week is going fantastically! I love meeting with each of you and seeing you on a regular basis! I hope summer is treating you well. 

As you know, I will be out of town during our normal training time this week.  You will still have an assignment.  This email will outline that assignment.  I think that you will find what we are going to do quite fun and different.

Remember the purpose for our area this summer is to create an intimate relationship with the Savior that permeates every aspect of our lives.  This is gained through studying the WORD. 

After spending a few weeks reading the scriptures in training, it has come clear that having consistent reading groups will be essential for scripture reading to be a progressive experience from training to training.

Each of you filled out a survey about your study of the word in the past.  This was used to create study groups made up of people that have different study styles and experiences to promote growth in your groups.  Here are the groups:

Group 1
Brooke Bertoldo (Leader)
Chandler Kendall
Eric Turner
Marcie Badham
Michael Hutchings 
Group 2
Kaeley Haws (Leader)
Trevor Heath
Matt Mitsvotai
Jefferson McClain
Lizzie Hegstrom 
Group 3
Dara Farnsworth (Leader)
Brady Schvaneveldt
Pam Smith
Fabrizio Cena 
Landon Pliler 
Group 4
Sam Ditto (Leader)
Maddie Bowen
Darren Gleason
Costner Henson
Megan McManama 
Group 5
Spencer Kottcamp (Leader)
Kate Merriman
Kylie Neslen 
Michael Anderson 
Brandon Winters
Group 6
Ben Jones (Leader)
Kevin Anderson
Lauren Peterson
Makaelee Owens
JD Cook

Your assignment this week is as follows:

Step 1 (1 hour minimum)
·         Spend at least 1 hour with the members of your group doing something fun to get to know each other better.  You can do whatever you want as long as it includes social interaction.  I also want it to not be at the MTC or about teaching.  Go out and do something together.   
o   The group leader is in charge of getting everyone together and counseling with group members about what the activity is. 

Step 2 (30 min)
·         Read the scriptures together.  Read John 1 – Focusing on Writer’s intent, historical context, and any insights on how to make Christ more real and effectual in our lives.
·         Set a goal as a group related to the area purpose that you can keep each other accountable to the remainder of the semester.

Step 3 (30 seconds)
·         Each person in the group – email me briefly your thoughts on the direction we are taking as an area
·         Group leader – email me your group goal along with your brief thoughts of our area direction

Thanks everyone! Have a fantastic week! Please make sure that you blue sheet whatever time you spend together up to 90 min.  Have fun spending time together!  Can’t wait to see you when I get back!

Lisanne Murphy
Missionary Training Center – Training Coordinator

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