Monday, July 13, 2015

July 6, 2015- John's Perspective

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned from this training. 

Sunday at 8pm go to Kate’s house to listen to Chandler and Trevor talk about Jerusalem. 
Thanks for all your help with Mission President Seminar!
The purpose of groups is to turn outward and be more Christ centered.
Bye Bye Sean! We will miss you.

I’m a Disciple 
JD- Living, exercising faith and repenting has helped me change. I’ve come to know through personal experience that it’s real and I know that he will come again and when that happens I want to be by his side. 
Pam- John 1:5.. Through Christ I’ve been able to invite more light in my life. He has helped me want to help others go through that same process. 

Group Thinking
What did you learn about Christ’s character from John’s perspective after reading the synopsis of John and John 1?

Read John 4- (Women at the well)
Focus on the relationship between knowing Christ and developing spiritual gifts.

Purpose- Help missionaries develop a stronger relationship with Christ that will lead them to seek after spiritual gifts.
Evaluation- How did the focus on developing a relationship with Christ help them develop spiritual gifts to help them overcome their stresses and shortcomings?

1. Frustrated missionaries over non-responsive investigators
2. Homesick/Anxiety
3. Companionship Conflict
4. Missionaries that feel they don’t need to plan before a lesson
5. Missionaries discourage with how to have effective studies

As a table, how would you typically solve this?
     How would you solve it using spiritual gifts as a focus?

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