Tuesday, June 23, 2015

May 18, 2015- Why are we here?

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned/insights from the training below. 

  • Fill out the projected termination sheet
  • Area Party this Saturday- 9:00am-Midnight!!! Look for invitations soon!
  • Next week, Monday, Memorial Day- No training Meeting
  • All English Training will be soon.. look out for an email about it
  • Be sure to do the pre-work sent to you for all trainings

Why We’re Here
  • Mary- working with missionaries is amazing.. even when I’m having a bad day the missionaries can uplift me. But the real reason why I am still here is because of all of you. I love my co-workers and watching them grow in the gospel. 
  • Kaeley- The impact that was given to me while I was here helped shape me as a missionary. I wanted to come and make a difference in the lives of missionaries. The MTC came into a time in my life when I need spiritual strength. I love being here and being able to feel the spirit here every day. 

Reflect on last week- How has your view and use of technology change?
What principles guide safeguarded technology use?
If it leads you to Christ- wonderful, if it doesn’t- Stop it
Articles of Faith 13- praiseworthy, uplifting and of good report— we SEEK after those things (align our will with God)
Moroni 7:13 That which inviteth and enticeth to do good and to love God is of God
We must be agents of technology. Our phone is an object. Not us!
Love God/ Love Others (2 great commandments)
Planning and preparation is needful for wise us (Be purpose centered)
Discipleship is central focus— WHO YOU ARE (Be Discipled) 
Involve others (Be One)
Teachable- Humble
Moderation- what does God intend?
Anxiously engaged in a good cause (Be in tune with spiritual promptings)
Best defense is a great offense
Beware of deception
Rely on Atonement to bridle our passions
Accountability to the Lord
Feel comfortable with correction
Keep eye single to glory of God
Heart is our filter
Be in the world, but not of the world
There is a pattern in all things!
Flesh before screens
Avoid distraction
Beware of temptation
People Before Pixels

Review results from the Technology Survey

Discuss thoughts you may have had while we discussed the survey or impressions from the principles we discovered.

Thinking Activity:
Think of one specific example of what it would look like to employ the 4 Safeguard principle (in red above).
After thinking of those think of what it would look like to employ the principles we found (the other stuff above)

Training on applications for US… our ideas for applications are inhibited for our knowledge of what’s out there and available.
For the next two weeks try to use technology more. Experiment with it. Use only that if you can. Figure out how you can use it. 

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