Thursday, November 21, 2013

11/19/2013 Reflections On a Consecrated Life

Weekly Training
19 November 2013
Lisanne Murphy

Sacrifice and Obedience VS. Consecration

·         There is a huge diference between stuff and yourself
·         Huge difference between status quo (defending and sustaining) and building up the kingdom of God
·         Sacrifice and obedience is like unto the Law of Moses

3 Nephi 27:13-15- As Christ was lifted up, in the endowment we are lifted up as well to come unto God

Read Talk “Reflections on a Consecrated Life” by D. Todd Christofferson, November 2010 Ensign.

Questions to Consider while reading:
·         What does a sacrificed look like?
·         What is the result of a sacrificed life?
·         What does a consecrated life look like?
·         What is the result of a consecrated life?
·         What is the difference between living a life of sacrifice VS. a life of consecration?
·         What is it that bridges the gap between Sacrifice and Consecration?
·         What do you need to change/exchange to live the law of Consecration?

·         What did you learn?
·         What will you take away?
·         What will you change/exchange?
·         Wherefore what … for the MTC?


Take something you wrote down that will bridge the gap between sacrifice and consecration, and DO IT!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/11/13 Lessons in Ch. 3

  • Objective:
    • Help teachers understand the role doctrine plays in the conversion process and meeting needs
    • Help teachers learn to help missionaries evaluate correctly based on understanding
    • Help teachers learn and practice how to teach doctrine powerfully themselves
  • Introduction:
    • What role does Doctrine play in the conversion process?
    • What role does Doctrine play in meeting needs?
      • see: Alma 17:2-3, 26:13, 37:8-9, Helaman 11:23, 3 Nephi 21:6
  • Study: Isolate these bullets, but them see how they connect and relate
    • What is Faith? How is Faith built or strengthened?
    • What is Repentance? How is Repentance felt or desired?
    • What is Baptism? How is one qualified for covenants...specifically baptism?
    • What is the Holy Ghost? How is the Holy Ghost received? 
  • Practice:
    • Select a lesson 1-3 to focus on
    • Select a principle within the lesson that you chose to focus on 
      • With a partner, share a situation or need from your life with them
      • Plan to teach the principle you chose (5 min lesson)
        • Tools to use:
          • Doctrine from PMG
          • Testimony
          • Scripture
          • Questions
        • Evaluation:
          • What the one message (p. 6 PMG) experienced and understood?
          • Was the Holy Ghost able to teach through the doctrine being taught?
      • Plan to teach the whole lesson to them using (15 min lesson)
        • all stuff above 
        • medium lesson plan
        • Evaluation - same as above
  • Invitation: What doctrine do YOU need to understand in order to change a behavior in your life?
    • Study that doctrine! Change it!

11/5/2013 Book of Mormon Reading

Weekly Training
 5 November 2013
Lisanne Murphy

Book of Mormon Reading Program

Tell Me about it, Any problems?
·         Rush Too Quickly to Investigators
·         Don’t teach missionaries to get revelation very well
·         Isn’t standardized very well
·         When positive experiences do come, it is because we are there with them
·         Can/should use Book of Mormon more/better in classroom in scheduled time and fundamentals

1.       Insights- A thought, perspective, and “aha” moment
Ex. While reading 1 Nephi, “I might be more like Laman and Lemuel than I thought, but don’t do anything about it.
2.       Revelation- Reveal, Uncover, Action, Pull Back the Veil
Ex. Ask questions to self about insights, make goals of how to be more like Nephi than Laman and Lemuel
3.       Testimony- Knowledge of truth, witness from spirit, momentary, can be topical
4.       Conversion-  What you are, character, constant holistic, change in doctrine of Christ

Missionaries need to -
·         Receive Insights for self
·         Receive Revelation for self
·         Facilitate insights for others
·         Facilitate revelation for others
·         Teach doctrine from Book of Mormon using individual scriptures and long passages
·         Invite someone to read the Book of Mormon powerfully

Read PMG Chapter 5 and look for these:
What is the role of the Book of Mormon in…

Mark Jarman statistic pulled from newly baptized members:
                “How many pages on average did you read before you got pabtized?”
                “5 pages”
                “On a scale of 1-5, how did the Book of Mormon influence your decision to be baptized?”

With Partner Brainstorm all the aplications you can use/ think of to teach missionaries how to use this tool of the Book of Mormon
·         Group Size
·         Days
·         Activities
·         Pace
·         PI
·         TRC
·         In or out of fundamental
·         Accountability
Write these ideas down and share/implement them in weekly companion meetings

The Book of Mormon is the great gathering tool, this is how God has chosen to keep his covenant of bringing us home

·         Finish study of Chapter 5
·         Set goal to improve using Book of Mormon as a tool for your own conversion

·         Implement ideas in the classroom

Monday, November 18, 2013

10/15/13-10/29/13 Observing Brooke and Lisanne Teach a District

Brooke Evans and Lisanne Murphy picked up a district of missionaries.

Here is what we had the teachers focus on:
  • Here is the info about the district you are going to need:
    • Schedule 15.00 (attached)  
    • Zone 61
    • Classroom: 4M-435 (one of the big zone rooms on the 4th floor)
      • The classroom will be set up so you can come and go as you would like. Please still be respectful of others and most importantly the missionaries experience. 
    • Note: Those teaching will be present for about 30 min after each classroom block to answer any questions you have about what you have seen. 
    • Questions for you to ponder while you are watching….
      • How are Principles of MTC Training Functioning the classroom? 
      • What experiences are the missionaries having that you would like to see in your classroom? 
      • What are you learning about Agency in yourself and facilitating it in others? 
      • How are human resources and material resources being used? 
      • Why are the things happening that you are seeing? (look beyond the "application" of the activity)
  • Then on the 29th - we got together and the teachers asked lots of questions about what they saw. 
  • It was great fun!  We hope to do it again!

10/7/13 Agency - Transferring your life to the MTC

  • What are the root causes that what you know and your life don't transfer into the MTC?
    • "What we know is not always reflected in what we do. As disciples of the Savior, we are not merely striving to know more; rather, we need to consistently do more of what we know is right and become better". - Elder Bednar 

  • Spend 25-30 min with each Talk and each activity to consider the initial question: Ponder the questions as you watch the video and study the references. 
    • Preparation - you can't just rely on what worked in the past
      • What role does preparation play in your life? 
      • What role does it need to play in your life?
      • What doe preparation and covenants have in common?
      • WATCH: Richar J. Maynes - talk from General Conference October 2013
      • STUDY: 
        • TG: Preparation
        • PMG: Ch. 1,2,4,6,10
    • Agency - To Act or to be Acted upon? That is the question?
      • What areas in your life are you being an agent (acting)? an object (being acted upon)?
      • What area at your job are you being an agent (acting)? an object (being acted upon)?
      • WATCH: Henry B. Erying - talk from General Conference October 2013 
      • STUDY:
        • TG: Agency
        • PMG Ch. 1,11
    • Understanding - you can't teach what you don't know
      • What is the difference between knowledge and understanding? 
      • In what ways, and with what gospel principles does your understanding need to be strengthened? 
      • What does understanding and teaching with spiritual power have in common?
        • WATCH: David M. McConckie - talk from General Conference October 2013
        • STUDY:
          • TG: Understanding
          • PMG Ch. 2,3,5,10 
    • These all must be improving ALL the time! 
    • Invitation:
      • Seek for and act in opportunities to live what you know in life and the classroom
        • Plan for it!  

9/30/13 All Teacher Meeting

Richard Heaton Managing Director of the MTC trained on changes happening at the MTC and Adusting to Missionary can watch this on the Media Portal under "Teacher Training"  There are also other trainings he has done throughout the last couple of years...check them out!

9/23/13 Role of the Teacher/Principles of MTC Training

  • Video: TED Talk "How to Escape Educations Death Valley" - Sir Ken Robinson 
    • consider this while watching:
      • What is your role as a teacher?
      • How does your paradigm need to shift in terms of being a teacher? a learner? 
  • Study: 1 Nephi 11 - Looking for Principles of MTC occurring between the angel and Nephi 
    • Write about your thoughts and what you see....
  • Consider the correlation between the Principles of MTC training and your role as a teacher:
    • Purpose Centered
      • Relationship with God -  John 17:3, 3 Nephi 27:13-16
    • Spiritual Experience
      • Prepare for next Covenant - 2 Nephi 11:5, Alma 12:9-10
        • Marriage? Baptism? Temple?
    • Learner Enabling
      • Education - D&C 109:7-9
    • Learn By Doing
      • Be and AWESOME Teacher - D&C 43:15-16  
    • These should all be happening simultaneously!  But they are in priority as stated  
  • Invitation: 2 Nephi 10:23-25
    • Find a way to reconcile yourselves with the will of God this week
    • Be an AGENT in your life and ACT

9/16/13 English Area Training

Area Training with Brian Kohler....if you want to watch it, check with the coordinators for the recording.  He discussed "getting off the escalator" and acting for ourselves to give the missionaries the best experience that they deserve. It was AWESOME!

Fall 2013 Weekly Training Schedule

Schedule for Weekly Training:
Sept. 9 - Policies and Procedure - Administrative stuff. 
Sept. 16 - Brian Kohler area training
Sept. 23 - Role of the Teacher / Training Model - Heavenly model?
Sept. 30 - Richard Heaton MTC Training
Oct. 7 - Agency - Transferring your life to the MTC
Oct. 14 - Pick up District
Oct. 21 -  Observe the District 
Oct. 28 - Training Model 
Nov. 4 - BoM reading
Nov. 11 -  Lessons in Ch. 3 
Nov. 18 - The Law of Sacrifice vs. The Law of Consecration
Nov. 25 - No Training - Thanksgiving! 
Dec. 2 - What is a "True Messenger"
Dec. 9 - PME - Discovering the mysteries of God and God himself
Dec. 16 - Finals and Christmas Break 

9/9/13 Policies and Procedures

  • Why do we have Policies and Procedures? 
    • D&C 88:67-73
    • Alma 53:20-21
    • Find a scripture of your own......
  • What role do blessings play in conversion? 
  • Go over the following policies and procedures...
    • Building Policies
    • Elders and Sister Relations - First Thursday discussion
    • Teacher Stewardship Document
    • English Policy Document
    • Google Doc
    • Apprenticeship sign up
    • Branch Report completion - Fridays by 12pm 
  • Conclusion:
    • 3 Nephi 15:8 - we must be prepared to live a higher law by looking beyond the policies and procedures.
    • Principles of MTC Training: "All that I do is motivated by love for the Lord..."
      • we must put the Lord first in ALL things. 
  • Invitation:
    • Obey with exactness in mind and heart, not just in action
    • help your missionaries do the same