Monday, November 18, 2013

10/15/13-10/29/13 Observing Brooke and Lisanne Teach a District

Brooke Evans and Lisanne Murphy picked up a district of missionaries.

Here is what we had the teachers focus on:
  • Here is the info about the district you are going to need:
    • Schedule 15.00 (attached)  
    • Zone 61
    • Classroom: 4M-435 (one of the big zone rooms on the 4th floor)
      • The classroom will be set up so you can come and go as you would like. Please still be respectful of others and most importantly the missionaries experience. 
    • Note: Those teaching will be present for about 30 min after each classroom block to answer any questions you have about what you have seen. 
    • Questions for you to ponder while you are watching….
      • How are Principles of MTC Training Functioning the classroom? 
      • What experiences are the missionaries having that you would like to see in your classroom? 
      • What are you learning about Agency in yourself and facilitating it in others? 
      • How are human resources and material resources being used? 
      • Why are the things happening that you are seeing? (look beyond the "application" of the activity)
  • Then on the 29th - we got together and the teachers asked lots of questions about what they saw. 
  • It was great fun!  We hope to do it again!

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