Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/11/13 Lessons in Ch. 3

  • Objective:
    • Help teachers understand the role doctrine plays in the conversion process and meeting needs
    • Help teachers learn to help missionaries evaluate correctly based on understanding
    • Help teachers learn and practice how to teach doctrine powerfully themselves
  • Introduction:
    • What role does Doctrine play in the conversion process?
    • What role does Doctrine play in meeting needs?
      • see: Alma 17:2-3, 26:13, 37:8-9, Helaman 11:23, 3 Nephi 21:6
  • Study: Isolate these bullets, but them see how they connect and relate
    • What is Faith? How is Faith built or strengthened?
    • What is Repentance? How is Repentance felt or desired?
    • What is Baptism? How is one qualified for covenants...specifically baptism?
    • What is the Holy Ghost? How is the Holy Ghost received? 
  • Practice:
    • Select a lesson 1-3 to focus on
    • Select a principle within the lesson that you chose to focus on 
      • With a partner, share a situation or need from your life with them
      • Plan to teach the principle you chose (5 min lesson)
        • Tools to use:
          • Doctrine from PMG
          • Testimony
          • Scripture
          • Questions
        • Evaluation:
          • What the one message (p. 6 PMG) experienced and understood?
          • Was the Holy Ghost able to teach through the doctrine being taught?
      • Plan to teach the whole lesson to them using (15 min lesson)
        • all stuff above 
        • medium lesson plan
        • Evaluation - same as above
  • Invitation: What doctrine do YOU need to understand in order to change a behavior in your life?
    • Study that doctrine! Change it!

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