Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/5/2013 Book of Mormon Reading

Weekly Training
 5 November 2013
Lisanne Murphy

Book of Mormon Reading Program

Tell Me about it, Any problems?
·         Rush Too Quickly to Investigators
·         Don’t teach missionaries to get revelation very well
·         Isn’t standardized very well
·         When positive experiences do come, it is because we are there with them
·         Can/should use Book of Mormon more/better in classroom in scheduled time and fundamentals

1.       Insights- A thought, perspective, and “aha” moment
Ex. While reading 1 Nephi, “I might be more like Laman and Lemuel than I thought, but don’t do anything about it.
2.       Revelation- Reveal, Uncover, Action, Pull Back the Veil
Ex. Ask questions to self about insights, make goals of how to be more like Nephi than Laman and Lemuel
3.       Testimony- Knowledge of truth, witness from spirit, momentary, can be topical
4.       Conversion-  What you are, character, constant holistic, change in doctrine of Christ

Missionaries need to -
·         Receive Insights for self
·         Receive Revelation for self
·         Facilitate insights for others
·         Facilitate revelation for others
·         Teach doctrine from Book of Mormon using individual scriptures and long passages
·         Invite someone to read the Book of Mormon powerfully

Read PMG Chapter 5 and look for these:
What is the role of the Book of Mormon in…

Mark Jarman statistic pulled from newly baptized members:
                “How many pages on average did you read before you got pabtized?”
                “5 pages”
                “On a scale of 1-5, how did the Book of Mormon influence your decision to be baptized?”

With Partner Brainstorm all the aplications you can use/ think of to teach missionaries how to use this tool of the Book of Mormon
·         Group Size
·         Days
·         Activities
·         Pace
·         PI
·         TRC
·         In or out of fundamental
·         Accountability
Write these ideas down and share/implement them in weekly companion meetings

The Book of Mormon is the great gathering tool, this is how God has chosen to keep his covenant of bringing us home

·         Finish study of Chapter 5
·         Set goal to improve using Book of Mormon as a tool for your own conversion

·         Implement ideas in the classroom

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