Monday, November 18, 2013

10/7/13 Agency - Transferring your life to the MTC

  • What are the root causes that what you know and your life don't transfer into the MTC?
    • "What we know is not always reflected in what we do. As disciples of the Savior, we are not merely striving to know more; rather, we need to consistently do more of what we know is right and become better". - Elder Bednar 

  • Spend 25-30 min with each Talk and each activity to consider the initial question: Ponder the questions as you watch the video and study the references. 
    • Preparation - you can't just rely on what worked in the past
      • What role does preparation play in your life? 
      • What role does it need to play in your life?
      • What doe preparation and covenants have in common?
      • WATCH: Richar J. Maynes - talk from General Conference October 2013
      • STUDY: 
        • TG: Preparation
        • PMG: Ch. 1,2,4,6,10
    • Agency - To Act or to be Acted upon? That is the question?
      • What areas in your life are you being an agent (acting)? an object (being acted upon)?
      • What area at your job are you being an agent (acting)? an object (being acted upon)?
      • WATCH: Henry B. Erying - talk from General Conference October 2013 
      • STUDY:
        • TG: Agency
        • PMG Ch. 1,11
    • Understanding - you can't teach what you don't know
      • What is the difference between knowledge and understanding? 
      • In what ways, and with what gospel principles does your understanding need to be strengthened? 
      • What does understanding and teaching with spiritual power have in common?
        • WATCH: David M. McConckie - talk from General Conference October 2013
        • STUDY:
          • TG: Understanding
          • PMG Ch. 2,3,5,10 
    • These all must be improving ALL the time! 
    • Invitation:
      • Seek for and act in opportunities to live what you know in life and the classroom
        • Plan for it!  

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