Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015- Coming Alive in Christ

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned from this training.

  • Welcome Anna Lewis!!
  • Today is the last traditional training with Lissy.. next week Daryl trains
  • If you need a meeting with Lisanne be sure to text her or email me (sally) we know that her google doc is black so if you need her, text please

                                                  Making the Ordinary- Extraordinary                     
CJ Bacon- working in Lisanne’s area can have profound consequences on your life if you allow it to

Video Awesomeness- Ask Lisanne to see

Group Activity:
Read John 20
How do we help missionaries become alive in Christ during tired or hard times? 

Practice- Situations
Preparation for P-day
Discussion of tired missionaries after P-day
Morning practice tiredness
Mid-practice tiredness
Homesick missionaries

Last couple days at the MTC before leaving for the field

July 27, 2015- Making our prayers truly in the name of Christ

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned from this training.

We have over 800 English missionaries this week!! Be sure to be at your shift and helping out. 

I’m a disciple:
Costner- I remember being asked to share my testimony is sunday school.. I believed but I never really had a personal experience. Shortly after I had one. I was given something that was bigger than I could do on my own. I turned to Heavenly Father and said that I’ve been taught that Christ could help me with this, I don’t know how but I need it. I know that it was Christ who helped me. I’ve had many more experiences after. I’ve been changed by following him in a way that will last for eternity.

Chandler- We love him because he loved us first.. I think that’s why I’m a disciple. Looking back on my life I see everything that he has personally done for me. He was always there and because of that I love him. I could go elsewhere but I realize that there is nothing else but Jesus Christ. He has the words of eternal life. I want to do anything to help others become his friend. 

Have you noticed that we are talking a lot about keeping the sabbath holy in church?

John 17- The Great Intercessory Prayer
How does this prayer reflect the true name (or work) of Christ?

Elder Oaks video- What the name of Christ means?

Group Activity:
What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus Christ?
Discuss from the video
Discuss from last 2 paragraphs in Bible Dictionary- Prayer
     Think- Name=Work

Read and Reflect:
John 17- The Great Intercessory Prayer
How does this prayer reflect the true name (or work) of Christ?

Review your personal transcribed prayer
     Make notes on: What is in MY NAME? CHRIST’S NAME?
  • Discuss as a group what you learned about your prayers and prayers in general
    •      What will your learnings do to impact your personal relationship with Christ?
  • Discuss as a group how we can help missionaries live more in the name of Christ. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 13, 2015- What does John have to say...

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned from this training. 

  • If your plans for fall semester are changing let Lisanne know ASAP
  • Please help out all you can with subs and resourcing this month!! We need help!!

I’m a disciple
Sam- There are 12 baskets at the end of feeding the 5,000… food still in them. I know that Christ is the savior of my sins, insecurities, and shortcoming. 
Michael H- You are a disciple of what you put your faith in. I put my faith in him, he was perfect and an amazing example. 

Discuss in your groups the question about receiving that was in your prep work.

Read as Group:
John 6
          Writers intent/Historical context
          How to help missionaries receive and in turn help them help their investigators receive. 

Practice Activity:
Objective- Help missionaries develop a desire to receive that which they need from God and can get from no earthly source.

1. Personal Study- Missionaries reading just to look busy
2. Companionship Study- Missionaries are not talking to each other
3. Evaluation Post PI- Missionaries are content with their performance
4. Evaluation Post Practice- Missionaries answer your evaluation questions with “Yes"
5. Prayer- Missionaries prayer are rote, quick, thoughtless

How were the missionaries more prepared to receive from God?
Instead of you?

*Check out Learner Enabling bullet 2

Revelations about what it means to receive?
To regain Jesus Christ into our live. We need to regain him each day.
Sometimes I try to hard and am too forceful… he is constantly throwing things at us and all we have to do is receive
Missionaries try to receive things from us too much. We need to help them receive things from God. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

July 6, 2015- John's Perspective

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned from this training. 

Sunday at 8pm go to Kate’s house to listen to Chandler and Trevor talk about Jerusalem. 
Thanks for all your help with Mission President Seminar!
The purpose of groups is to turn outward and be more Christ centered.
Bye Bye Sean! We will miss you.

I’m a Disciple 
JD- Living, exercising faith and repenting has helped me change. I’ve come to know through personal experience that it’s real and I know that he will come again and when that happens I want to be by his side. 
Pam- John 1:5.. Through Christ I’ve been able to invite more light in my life. He has helped me want to help others go through that same process. 

Group Thinking
What did you learn about Christ’s character from John’s perspective after reading the synopsis of John and John 1?

Read John 4- (Women at the well)
Focus on the relationship between knowing Christ and developing spiritual gifts.

Purpose- Help missionaries develop a stronger relationship with Christ that will lead them to seek after spiritual gifts.
Evaluation- How did the focus on developing a relationship with Christ help them develop spiritual gifts to help them overcome their stresses and shortcomings?

1. Frustrated missionaries over non-responsive investigators
2. Homesick/Anxiety
3. Companionship Conflict
4. Missionaries that feel they don’t need to plan before a lesson
5. Missionaries discourage with how to have effective studies

As a table, how would you typically solve this?
     How would you solve it using spiritual gifts as a focus?

Monday, July 6, 2015

June 29, 2015- Study Groups

 Teachers of the Most Celestial Realm!

I hope that you week is going fantastically! I love meeting with each of you and seeing you on a regular basis! I hope summer is treating you well. 

As you know, I will be out of town during our normal training time this week.  You will still have an assignment.  This email will outline that assignment.  I think that you will find what we are going to do quite fun and different.

Remember the purpose for our area this summer is to create an intimate relationship with the Savior that permeates every aspect of our lives.  This is gained through studying the WORD. 

After spending a few weeks reading the scriptures in training, it has come clear that having consistent reading groups will be essential for scripture reading to be a progressive experience from training to training.

Each of you filled out a survey about your study of the word in the past.  This was used to create study groups made up of people that have different study styles and experiences to promote growth in your groups.  Here are the groups:

Group 1
Brooke Bertoldo (Leader)
Chandler Kendall
Eric Turner
Marcie Badham
Michael Hutchings 
Group 2
Kaeley Haws (Leader)
Trevor Heath
Matt Mitsvotai
Jefferson McClain
Lizzie Hegstrom 
Group 3
Dara Farnsworth (Leader)
Brady Schvaneveldt
Pam Smith
Fabrizio Cena 
Landon Pliler 
Group 4
Sam Ditto (Leader)
Maddie Bowen
Darren Gleason
Costner Henson
Megan McManama 
Group 5
Spencer Kottcamp (Leader)
Kate Merriman
Kylie Neslen 
Michael Anderson 
Brandon Winters
Group 6
Ben Jones (Leader)
Kevin Anderson
Lauren Peterson
Makaelee Owens
JD Cook

Your assignment this week is as follows:

Step 1 (1 hour minimum)
·         Spend at least 1 hour with the members of your group doing something fun to get to know each other better.  You can do whatever you want as long as it includes social interaction.  I also want it to not be at the MTC or about teaching.  Go out and do something together.   
o   The group leader is in charge of getting everyone together and counseling with group members about what the activity is. 

Step 2 (30 min)
·         Read the scriptures together.  Read John 1 – Focusing on Writer’s intent, historical context, and any insights on how to make Christ more real and effectual in our lives.
·         Set a goal as a group related to the area purpose that you can keep each other accountable to the remainder of the semester.

Step 3 (30 seconds)
·         Each person in the group – email me briefly your thoughts on the direction we are taking as an area
·         Group leader – email me your group goal along with your brief thoughts of our area direction

Thanks everyone! Have a fantastic week! Please make sure that you blue sheet whatever time you spend together up to 90 min.  Have fun spending time together!  Can’t wait to see you when I get back!

Lisanne Murphy
Missionary Training Center – Training Coordinator

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 22, 2015- Resurrect Christ in the Classroom

To Complete Assignment:
Email Lisanne and tell her what you learned from the training. 

  • Area Party tomorrow!! Be sure to sign up for something. 
  • 2 Intramural teams- 1 for softball and 1 for Men’s Ultimate Frisbee 
  • Wednesday- Pickup 10:00am-1:45pm
  • July 4th- missionaries are let out of class at 8:00pm
  • MPS- STAY OUT of 1M this week. Dress to impress. Clean up. Wear suits all week. 
  • Missionaries are still getting lost a pick up. Each zone should be figuring out how to direct missionaries to their classrooms.

I’m a Disciple
  • Kate- I know a lot more than I understand in my life. My faith with christ is similar, shared Elder Oaks quote. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ because faith is a choice and I choose to be.
  • Michael A.- It’s part of my personality to be impatient with myself, I love how the Savior is perfect patient with me. He works with me and helps me get better day by day.

Group Activity:
  • Romans 1-4
  • Discuss historical context
  • Discuss writer’s intent
  • Draw personal conclusions based on above discuss about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • How many drops were spilled for me?

1. Write on the board the answer to the questions there. (question: How do we need to make Christ more central in our classroom?)
2. With a practice partner at your table, pick on you want to try.
3. Prep together- Each practice. 
4. Evaluate- What effect will center on Christ have on Missionary/Investigator conversion?
5. Set goals and make plans to teach. 

Board Question:
  • How do we need to make Christ more central in our classroom?
  • Use Christ examples from the New Testament in explain portions
  • Take more obscure words and define them specifically referencing the Savior
  • Be Christlike yourself, in and out of the classroom
  • Focus on the role Jesus Christ plays as we teach in demos
  • During Book of Mormon reads, identify the author/speakers witness of the Savior, testimony of the Atonement, and Christlike behavior
  • Evaluate by using specific references to Jesus Christ and his teachings (from the scriptures)
  • During fundamental DOC helping missionaries recognize their own need for Christ/also investigator’s needs
  • Using BOM reads to personally understand Jesus as an individual; mortal and all
  • Always reference the Doctrine of Christ in terms of the atonement
  • Application portion- How is this going to help us be more like Christ or how can Christ help us accomplish this?
  • Setting up practices where they can teach about Christ using the restoration without blowing their minds
  • Teaching the PST Cycle as a means to use the atonement through the Doctrine of Christ
  • Help missionaries turn to and Relate with the savior as they adjust to missionary life during the stress lesson.
  • Fundamental overview, mentally thinking “How is this helping me and the missionaries to become more like the Savior?” Then mamboing giving the missionaries and yourself to apply the fundamental… i.e. Time for prayer, time to think about the sacrament, etc.
  • MTC overview use all activities to help strengthen faith/love for Christ
  • Answer Missionaries’ questions using examples of the savior rom the scriptures
  • Pre-set the opening hymn for conversion (ex. “as we sing ‘I Believe in Christ’ analyze what you believe. Are you truly singing a prayer unto Heavenly Father?)
  • Revelation through the BOM- Practice using the BOM to help someone understand who Christ is
  • Personal testimony of and conversion to him
  • When discerning or learning about an investigator, ask always “how can the atonement help this person?” “what does christ see in this person?"
  • When helping a struggling missionary help them turn to the savor by reading His teaching from the scriptures… looking for personal revelation

How has your reading of these scriptures impacted how you’ve talked about Christ during this practice?
  • Christ is driven into our heads but the Holy Ghost is the only one who can drive him into out hearts. With this Christ had been coming more and more into my heart.
  • the more you help them conceptualize the atonement you will see them be more motivated

Invitation: Keep the resurrection going… 

June 15, 2015- Making Christ Special Again

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned/insights from the training below.

  • July 4th- Missionaries need to leave your classroom by 8pm for something special happening from the MTC
  • There have been complaints about teachers not letting missionaries go for clinical. BE sure to let the missionaries go to clinical.. it is ok to try and get them to have their appointment not during class time, but let them go if that’s the only appointment they have. 
  • June 24th- if you are picking up that day- PICK UP is 10am-2pm!!! The first presidency message is at 2:00pm and they need to be released at 1:45pm, it will be in 19M. 
  • Dressing appropriately- BE SURE YOU ARE DRESSING according to missionary standards. Whenever you’re in 1M you need to be in missionary attire.

I’m A Disciple
  • Brady- Because- all that he’s given me. I serve him out of love and out of gratitude. I want to be  a disciple because I do love him.
  • MaKaelee- I love him and I know that he love me. Through following him and loving him I feel I have had a greater purpose and peace in my life that I couldn’t find anywhere else. 

What did you learn from the prep?

What are you learning about your natural and fallen state?
  • There is hope. The fall was a huge step to godhood and without it we would never become like God.
  • I was listening to amazing grace and switching the words of the lines. Christ coming here was reversing the song.. he once saw but then was blind. 
  • Alma 5:20- humbling towards the savior. 
  • I’m always in a fallen state and dependent on Christ. Do I live my life that way? Am I too confident in my own abilities?
  • I love the word fallen. In order to fall you have to be somewhere high first. We lived with Heavenly Father and we had to fall in order to climb higher.

We need to take common Jesus and make him uncommon.
We need to make special things special again.

For the rest of the semester we are going to focus on developing our intimate relationship with the Savior. We need to make him more central in everything.

We can’t help the missionaries focus on Christ if we aren’t focused on him.

Group Activity:
  • Watch the Bible Project about Romans 1-4 on youtube, read it, answer the questions. 
  • Romans 1-4
  • Discuss historical context
  • Discuss writer’s intent
  • Draw personal conclusions based on above discuss about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

What are you learning?
  • Don’t put what you read in a box
  • It’s easy to take things and mold them what we want them to be. This helps to understand what the real meaning is.
  • Why would Paul be writing to both groups at the same time? Apostles do that today, they speak to a certain group but it still has meaning for each of us.
  • We should read with the intent to understand what the writer is trying to say 
  • Understanding Paul and his point of view is helping to better understand his intent in the words or scriptures that he uses. 
  • The apostles are teaching us through their experiences
  • He finds his joy in the atonement and it causes his to use his time differently

What do you need to do to improve your own relationship with God?
  • If I do the same things I will get the same result. I need to change up my day to day
  • You can’t doubt Paul’s conversion, which is impressive because he didn’t walk with Christ. Reacquaint myself with mysteries. Maybe not treat my study as a needed boost.. search the mysteries of God instead.
  • Don’t rely so much on past things. Start over each day and ask God what he wants from you TODAY.

May 18, 2015- Why are we here?

To Complete Assignment: Email Lisanne what you learned/insights from the training below. 

  • Fill out the projected termination sheet
  • Area Party this Saturday- 9:00am-Midnight!!! Look for invitations soon!
  • Next week, Monday, Memorial Day- No training Meeting
  • All English Training will be soon.. look out for an email about it
  • Be sure to do the pre-work sent to you for all trainings

Why We’re Here
  • Mary- working with missionaries is amazing.. even when I’m having a bad day the missionaries can uplift me. But the real reason why I am still here is because of all of you. I love my co-workers and watching them grow in the gospel. 
  • Kaeley- The impact that was given to me while I was here helped shape me as a missionary. I wanted to come and make a difference in the lives of missionaries. The MTC came into a time in my life when I need spiritual strength. I love being here and being able to feel the spirit here every day. 

Reflect on last week- How has your view and use of technology change?
What principles guide safeguarded technology use?
If it leads you to Christ- wonderful, if it doesn’t- Stop it
Articles of Faith 13- praiseworthy, uplifting and of good report— we SEEK after those things (align our will with God)
Moroni 7:13 That which inviteth and enticeth to do good and to love God is of God
We must be agents of technology. Our phone is an object. Not us!
Love God/ Love Others (2 great commandments)
Planning and preparation is needful for wise us (Be purpose centered)
Discipleship is central focus— WHO YOU ARE (Be Discipled) 
Involve others (Be One)
Teachable- Humble
Moderation- what does God intend?
Anxiously engaged in a good cause (Be in tune with spiritual promptings)
Best defense is a great offense
Beware of deception
Rely on Atonement to bridle our passions
Accountability to the Lord
Feel comfortable with correction
Keep eye single to glory of God
Heart is our filter
Be in the world, but not of the world
There is a pattern in all things!
Flesh before screens
Avoid distraction
Beware of temptation
People Before Pixels

Review results from the Technology Survey

Discuss thoughts you may have had while we discussed the survey or impressions from the principles we discovered.

Thinking Activity:
Think of one specific example of what it would look like to employ the 4 Safeguard principle (in red above).
After thinking of those think of what it would look like to employ the principles we found (the other stuff above)

Training on applications for US… our ideas for applications are inhibited for our knowledge of what’s out there and available.
For the next two weeks try to use technology more. Experiment with it. Use only that if you can. Figure out how you can use it. 

Video Trainings

There are many video trainings to make up. If you do not see the training day on here that you missed then it is a video you need to watch. Contact me in order to watch.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 2, 2015- General Conference- Recap and Prep

Weekly Training Meeting
April 2, 2015

To Complete Assignment:
Write Lisanne an email of who you want to become this summer and how she can help. 

  • Lisanne will be gone for a week! Try not to have blue sheets- if you do then leave them on Lisanne’s desk
  • If you need anything from a Training Coordinator then contact Brooke Evans, but your ZC should be able to handle everything. Also Sally is around if you need her for anything. 
  • This is our last training for the semester! Our next training will be Monday, May 4th. 

General Conference- Recap and Prep

What did you learn from our last GC training. What do you think of conference and how we can prepare/keep it with us?
  • The training helped me come up with applications so I could live what I learned in GC
  • Conference help you be a better person
  • Listen make goals, continue to change things as you need 
  • your preparation for conference impacts how you will receive conference and continue to be changed by it
  • The message I received played into my life mission
  • General Conference
  • They are like the samples we get at Costco… we can’t live off just samples!! You have to buy the product and stock up on it to last you throughout the next 6 months and longer
  • GAs spends hours, weeks, and months preparing for conference. Conference is where the expand our lamps.. it shouldn’t be where we fill them.

Do you think you did well at applying what you learned in conference last year?Find someone who did and ask them what they did in order to keep up with it. 

  • Can you map out your spirituality differently in the last six months based on the heed/ diligence you gave to General Conference?
  • What goals did you set about who you wanted to become?
    • How are you getting there?

  • Write the questions you want answered from God for General Conference.
    • Have at least one question be about your responsibilities as a teacher
  • Write a description of who you want to become this summer.
    • Incorporate this into your questions for General Conference- seek for answers of how to become what you wrote
    • You could spend some time on the Manner of Happiness site to seek this out

  1. Pray to get those questions answered and vision clarified!
  2. Pay attention to how the general authorities ENGAGE you in their message
  3. Write me an email of who you want to become this summer and how I can help

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 2015- Confessions of a Flipped Classroom

To Complete Assignment: Send Lisanne 2 lesson plans for how to create an engaging study for the missionaries. 

  • Is anything cool happening in your life? Tell us about it. 
  • Next week’s weekly training will be the last of the semester- we will be talking about General Conference prep. bring anything you you want involving that to next training
  • Lisanne is leaving!!! for vacation from April 3rd until April 13th. Try to have as little blue sheets as possible!
  • There is NO CLASS on General Conference Saturday. 
  • Saturday- Frisbee… Talk to Kevin about it. 

How have you used the Manner of Happiness website this week? How has what we learned last week in training changed your studies? 

Confessions of Flipped Classroom

Expand learning and understanding of what flipped classrooms are. We may not come up with a solution, but the key is that we are thinking and wanting to make a change. 

What are things that we have learned that we don’t like or need to work on as we are trying to flip the classroom:
  • Practices not used as learning experiences
  • Not simple - simplicity is difficult
  • lacking faith in practices
  • coaching is hard
  • Time management 
  • Autonomy by the missionaries- desire and tools needed are hard to help them with
  • Missionary/Teacher evaluation struggles
  • Understanding in depth what we do
  • We teach too much
  • Lack of effect on PI—PI isn’t changing but the frustration with it is increasing
  • Missionaries struggle to be investigators
  • We are forced to focus on people which we have learned is tougher than focusing on lessons
  • Missionaries don’t study well
  • I like what “doesn’t work” or what’s “easy” (the old way)

We haven’t really flipped anything. We only changed the schedule!
It’s time to flip the classroom. 

Flipped Classrooms- What are they?

YouTube Video- write down any insights you have on what a flipped classroom actually is. 
(showing the differences between a traditional and a flipped classroom)

Different levels of learning

Basic knowledge box- has the vocabulary and facts that you are asking of them 
we don’t want only that from he missionaries we also want an
Understanding box- practices will com into this box, faith building experiences
Intelligent box- learned what they need to know

When missionaries don’t have basic knowledge then they can’t move on to understanding

What needs to happen for teacher/missionaries in order for everyone to move from he knowledge box to the understanding box.
     Teachers need to master the blue book. Missionaries need to know PMG.

  • The video showed how in a flipped classroom the students became agents
  • We walk around the classroom because we want to listen to the missionaries, but they should be coming to us to ask
  • Not enough preparation
  • Communication between teachers/resources/missionaries needs to be better
  • Our expectations may be to broad for the missionaries
  • Being an audio learner I see other audio learners getting ignored in this situation
  • Is knowledge only gained through reading or hearing… isn’t it gained through practice?- it is but it may be more difficult without something else attached to it
  • How can we speed up their learning?
  • For study to occur desire must be present in the learner and they must be engaged
  • PI or TRC is the basis of desire. Sometimes we ignore that because they tell us about it and it doesn’t involve the lesson that way so we say we will get to it.

What are points of desire for the missionaries:
  • their personal conversion- personal reason for being there
  • TRC and PI
  • where there is vision there is desire
  • see a need for help
  • discovering the doctrine

YouTube Video
What do you notice that he says?
Online lectures. Writing things not the board isn’t helping! 
What can we do to have a flipped classroom the way it should be?

We need to engage the missionaries and capitalize on their desires

Pick one fundamental and try something different- 30 minute engaging study. Create it. 

Be creative in your thoughts. Anything that you want to try out ask Lisanne before you try it. 

Ted Talk ending

What is it going to take to stop doing things as we have always done to stop getting what we have always gotten.

Continue thinking and creating! Don’t forget to write it down!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 19, 2015- True Study

To Complete Assignment:Email Lisanne including two insights about what study is, two insights about what you learned as you studied page 78, and send Lisanne a lesson plan of a practice of what you learned. 

  • Jason Hoyt Scholarship applications are due tomorrow!!
  • Dedicated floating plans- Get some!
  • Sign-Ups will hopefully be out on Monday
  • New TRC Orientation has been created on the first Friday… Tell your missionaries to go
  • Conference weekend on Saturday there are NO teaching shifts- all Saturday lessons get pushed to Monday. FOR ALL SHIFTS. 

How did you use The Manner of Happiness principles or website this week?

What does it mean to study?
  • To read gospel stuff
  • To Ponder!
  • Put forth work/effort to obtain knowledge/understanding
  • Talking with God
  • To receive revelation from God that you act on
  • To make something a part of you (via reputation)
  • A detailed analysis or investigation of a subject!
  • To sacrifice what you know before to obtain better truth
  • To obtain the word
  • To demonstrate and exercise the faith God has given us, so that he can give us more
  • Sitting at my desk reading a book
  • a way to facilitate revelation from God
  • Search! Ponder!
  • The price of understanding
  • To dive deeper
  • Building skills/knowledge 
  • Painstaking application
  • Purpose, intent
  • To devote oneself to
  • Cultivating a branch of knowledge 

How is your paradigm changing as you read these definitions?

If we understand what study really is then we should understand the flipped classroom experience better.

PMG pg. 17- Effective Study -replace study with one of the phrases above

On pg 17-19- until study and teach the lessons, don’t read that part
any time you see the word study replace it with on of these statements or with the word experience

What are you learning?
  • Life here at the MTC is constant study.
  • Studying=A state of being… no a strict activity. Broken heart and contrite spirit coming to God rather than checking a box that you did it. There shouldn’t be a line between study and practice, it’s a state of mind not an activity. 
  • Continuing process of study in everything you do each day
  • You need to develop a habit of demonstrating and exercising faith. Demonstrate faith while studying.
  • Experience helps us to build faith and study. Learn by doing.
  • Practice is study

Go to:
Blue book pg. 78
These principles pertain to demonstrations and reading time. 
Coordinate/Compare these with Elder Bednar’s principles
     Prepare to Learn
     Interact to Edify
     Invite to Act

Personal Activity:
Continuing on the same page… Go through and star the ones that you are a ninja at and circle the ones that need some work

What are you learning about effective study?
What are you learning about flipped classrooms?

Plan a practice or study active that implements pg. 78 and Elder Bednar’s trifecta.
     Write out the parts where you have circled the struggle spots. 

Insights you’ve gained
Studies or practices that lack the objective are pointless (objectiveless)
My prep needs to be different

Come up with your own as always.
Try to make every experience that the missionary has as true study. Everything becomes a study because it is a state of mind. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015- The Manner of Happiness

Weekly Training Meeting
March, 12, 2015

To Complete Assignment: After reviewing the website, send a draft of your life mission if you would like to share or 2 ideas of how this can help your life to Lisanne. 

Apply for the John Hoyt Scholarship if you qualify!
Assignments hopefully coming out next week… be ready for an email and to read the instructions!!

What is a life mission?

  • Vision of specific principles that you choose to live by.
  • An understanding of God’s vision.
  • What you need to become or how to get there.
  • Something you are trying to become and achieve int his life. 
  • Road map towards what you want to accomplish is life and who you want to become.
  • Vision and direction… it’s the view and the path.

How can we turn our bikes around?

Life Missions are super exciting to start and DIFFICULT to continue.. how can we create it and not only have it be exciting but have it stick!

Go to Sean’s life mission website- The Manner of Happiness

This website was built to be used with a coach, someone who has used it before and can help you to get to know it and start on it.

Please contact one of the coaches to get started. 

Lisanne Murphy
Sean Rockwood
Ben Jones
Kaeley Haws
Kate Merriman
Fabrizio Cena
Darren Gleason
Brady Schvaneveldt

This is built for you- It’s to help you create your life mission, develop it, refine it, keep it. 

Make a plan for how you are going to use this. If you don’t want to use it then let us know why. Give feedback on the page. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, 2015- The Lord is Hastening His Work... Are We Keeping Up?

Weekly Training Meeting
March 5, 2015

To Complete Assignment: In order to do this training you will need to contact Lisanne or Sally to come in some time and read the talk by Elder Bednar explained below. Lisanne would like for you to do this in a group if possible. When finished, pick 3 of the questions to answer and one thing you will start doing differently in an email and send it to Lisanne. 

  • Flipped Classrooms- everyone is flipped excepted zone 26.. they will flip when they pick up
  • Assignments for next semester!!- Lisanne needs to know your needs and what your plans are
  • New Training Coordinator position is open until the 8th
  • Floating is going to increase! Make sure you have plans for that- be proactive!! Also, starting March 11th Daryl will be doing a training for floating teachers. Look out for an email about it.
  • Training Coordinators will also be teaching a block almost every day… again wait for an email
  • Has anyone here served in an iPad mission? Talk to Lisanne
  • Let Lisanne know if you are interesting in blended learning

How did you use pamphlets this week?
How did you improve on your covenants?

Elder Bednar’s Talk- given at mission president seminar last year.
You must get this from Lisanne (it is not to leave the MTC)
Everything that the MTC is talking about right now is centered around this talk

What’s he talking about-
  • Hastening
  • God’s work not ours
  • We need to keep up
  • God does the hastening
  • This is his work, his investigators, his missionaries, his children
  • We need to change to keep up

  • More missionaries
  • Quality of incoming missionaries
  • Meet the Mormons
  • ISIS
  • Technology (iPads…)
  • More Missions
  • Come follow me curriculum 
  • Family History Focus
  • Attack on Pornography
  • Media
  • Both sides of veil
  • Bar raised
  • Age Change
  • Every member a missionary
  • Adversity prominent
  • Preach My Gospel

How are we doing?
     Not that great- we aren’t participating in much of it
     our jobs help us to stay more current with these things.. meaning we should be more proactive and expand our influence to others
     How can I understand my role? What does it look like to keep pace?
     We aren’t in shape to keep up with it but we’re trying

Lisanne’s Graphs- Missionaries and Convert Baptisms (ask Lisanne to see this)
1988 Pres. Benson Flooding the Earth with the Book of Mormon

What do you see in the graphs?
  • Number of missionaries and baptisms don’t relate too much
  • Wards not using their missionaries properly
  • Lots of new missionaries, quality of training may have suffered. Blind leading the Blind.
  • In a way we are starting over.. we are in a preparatory state
  • President Benson's talk was more about converting missionaries as opposed to gaining baptisms

Lissy- Blind are leading the blind, a lot of prep for them to change culture, I’ve never sat in GC listening to the numbers and felt accountable for it. We have almost doubled our missionaries but not our baptisms.

How would it be if you felt accountable for those numbers?
What impact would that make on you and how you are teaching? 

How do we keep up? Will we keep pace?

Questions to Consider:
  • What is it going to take to keep the pace?
  • How can we maximize a flipped classroom to do things differently?
  • How do you personally need to change?
  • How did E. Bednar demonstrate his pattern?
    • Prepare to learn
    • Interact to Edify
    • Invite to Act
  • What are you learning about the purpose?
  • How is the Lord hastening the work in your life?
    • Are you keeping up?

What are you thoughts? 
  • The pattern that we follow is the Christlike patterns… he has many different patterns and it is up to us in the moment to decide which pattern to use
  • Additional improvement is not and will ever be needed. Constantly adapting.
  • My life is separated into different categories and I need to apply things and mesh everything together
  • I’m a little disconnected, and my invitations I have been taking on are not what they should be. I need to invite missionaries to do things as if they were an investigator.
  • If I’m not supposed to use what I learned to help teach them then what should I be teaching them
    • What we know is more of reservoir.. we need to leak out little bits to the missionaries.

Make this a matter of personal ponderence and thought? How are you personally going to keep the pace? Think about Prepare to Learn, Interact to Edify, and Invite to Act. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

2/26/15 Pamphlets Revisited

Weekly Training
Pamphlets Revisited

- email me 2 ways you have used the pamphlets since our last training on pamphlets
- email me 2 ways you want to use pamphlets in the future
- practice using the pamphlets while being a HELPER with your zone coordinator

- English Training Coordinator position open - apply if you are interested
- VC Help this week
- Flipped classrooms are now in Zones 3,5,31.  Zones 26,42 to come next week
- Frisbee Saturday, but not official activity....we are moving the zone vs. zone to another time
- Opportunity: If you are interested in Blended Learning and participating in some pilots email Lisanne
- Opportunity: If you are interested in being a leader in a new English area - email Lisanne

- Review what you learned about covenants this week from your sabbath observance or teaching Rev. through Church

- Record on the board what you have tried with the pamphlets so far
- record how much progress you have made with the pamphlets since we trained on it a couple weeks ago.

Study Activity:
- Read through the pamphlets again to become more acquainted with them
- go through the blue book and note where you can use the pamphlets to help as a reminder.
     -be specific! don't just put "pamphlet" next to something.  define the pamphlet, page, paragraph

Practice Activity:
- Using Teach People Not Lessons first practice, use the pamphlets to teach Alydia.  make sure the pamphlets and the spirit are doing the teaching.  And you as the missionary are doing the HELPING!

- don't just use the pamphlet more, use them more effectively.

Thank you everyone!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19, 2015- Covenants->Thinking Forward

Weekly Training Meeting 
February 19, 2015

To Complete Assignment:  Email Lisanne how your understanding of the directionality of covenants has changed for your personal understanding and one way you will implements what you have learned in the classroom in Revelation Through Church attendance

  • VC Sisters will be here next week!!! Read the email that was sent out to come come help!
  • In the summer we will be getting a new English Area- Zone 42 will be leaving.. we also need a few teachers from our area to go. Is there anyone who would like to/be interested in transferring to the new area?
  • Flipped classrooms are only starting when Lisanne says to! You’ll know when this happens. 
  • Email/text Lisanne if you would want to work evening shift in Spring/Summer
  • IF you are leaving before April 28 make sure you have your classroom taken care of
  • Area Ultimate Frisbee- February 28th at 11:00am.. Look for an email!!

Accountability: pamphlet usage and flipped classroom thoughts and ideas

Lisanne’s confession: I’m good at what is in front of me at the time.. when it’s gone I don’t think of if any more. When we focus on prayer my prayers are awesome.. but when we don’t focus on it then things slide back to normal.

How can we expand our grasp?

Is it a problem or not?

Habit forming and faith promoting- Faith is NOT Habit
we do things to build habits but it doesn’t build our faith… that doesn’t mean that they aren’t faith promoting
Are your habits faith promoting?
We can’t trick ourselves into thinking our habits are building our faith if they are only habits.

  • We need to have a purpose when doing these things. How/why was it easier on the mission. Because we had a purpose. What is your purpose now? Don’t lose sight of it.
  • Have I come closer to Christ each day by the way I am living?

Activity Focus: Covenants- in helping us creating faith promoting habits

Try to understand the directionality of faith gaining covenants

directionality- covenants that help our past, our present, our future

Use a piece of paper to write/draw/organize the directionality of our covenants

  • pg. 63-65 PMG
  • D&C 20:77, 79
  • Mosiah 4:6-7
  • Words used in confirmation
  • Redeeming vs. Enabling power of atonement
  • The Missionary Purpose

What is the directionality of covenants?

Why is directionality important?
What direction does God view our covenants?

What are you learning?

  • Our covenants change out past… our future is determined by our covenanted past. Not the past we necessarily remember.
  • This activity helped visualize how this is one eternal round. The covenants that we make not help us to move forward… in a spiral upwards.
  • It’s a circle
  • God, us and covenants are like merging plates.. it’s where the magic happens
  • 2 Nephi 31- covenants give us something to work towards, something to stretch to, it also helps us to see the growth in our own progression
  • Think about covenants as people.. what effect do my covenants have on others
  • The water cycle… the sun makes it possible. It’s not just a cycle it’s a refinement process. The water here has never left, only been refined and renewed. Covenants are seen as a cycle but we are becoming cleaner and cleaner as we go. 

In your blue book go to pg 34- Rev Through Church Attendance
Watch German reflecting on his experience at church 

Practice: How would you respond to help German think forward. Practice. 

Wherefore what?
  • I need to go study my family history.. 
  • without covenants we couldn’t access the atonement then the future and the past would all be the same- covenants give us a future different than our past
  • Be more engaged
  • It’s not just about renewing our baptism.. it’s about being WILLING 

Follow what the Holy Ghost is telling you about your covenants